Chapter 7: Encounter

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The villains began to walk toward the students as everyone started to freak out.

Kirishima: What? Villains? No way... There's no way they could get into a hero school!

Yaoyorozu: Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors?

Thirteen: We have them, of course, but...

Todoroki: Did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind.

Scarab: The boy is correct. This is a coordinated attack. I am detecting multiple groups split throughout this facility. Immediate evacuation is required, or else we must use force.

Aizawa: Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. Someone with a radio wave-type quirk may be interfering. Kaminari, you try contacting the school with your Quirk, too.

Kaminari: Yes Sir!

Jaime: Mr. Aizawa, we should be careful. I'm detecting multiple groups of them split throughout the U.S.J.! They might try to split us up.

Aizawa: Then stay together and watch your backs. Don't allow anyone to get close to you. I'm going down to buy some time.

Midoriya: Are you sure about this, Sir? Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks... Eraser Head's fighting style is to capture after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is...

Aizawa: You can't be a hero with just one trick. I'm leaving them to you, Thirteen.

Aizawa then jumped down and started to take on the villains as Midoriya watched completely amazed.

Midoriya: Wow... Mr. Aizawa's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?

Jaime: Vamos Midoriya! We gotta go!

As Class 1-A continued to make their way to the entrance, a purple mist appeared and then two yellow eyes appeared.

Mist: I won't let you escape so easily. Though it is nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath. I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I play.

Thirteen went to use her Quirk, but Bakugo and Kirishima both jumped up to attack the Purple Mist, surprising everyone.

They both hit the villain causing an explosion, as the two stood together.

Kirishima: Did you consider that you would be beaten by use before you had the chance?

Mist: Oh dear, that's dangerous. That's right, even if you are excellent golden eggs.

Thirteen: You two, getaway!

The mist man began to spread his all around the class, teleporting them each to different locations in the U.S.J. Jaime ended up in the wind storm zone, with no one else in sight.

Jaime: Damn, I guess I'm going solo. Is there an exit around here?

Scarab: There is a door west of here, approximately 300 meters.

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