I need to sanitize my mouth!

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"She doesn't want to be dead and now she's not. This isn't your fault, Matt." Caroline tries to comfort.

"It's all my fault. I was driving. I was saved. She's a vampire because of me!" Matt says, getting upset.

"Shh! Cool it on the V word. I'm a fugitive, remember? I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida by now." Caroline hushes, fearful of the council that was hunting down the vampires.

"If the Council is after you, then why are you here?" Matt questions.

"Because I don't know where to go. Tyler's dead and everything's different now and I..." Caroline starts to cry.

Matt hugs her comfortingly.

Caroline then abruptly pulls away. We all hear an officer coming towards the room.

Suddenly, Caroline uses her vampire speed to take us out of the hospital, leaving Matt by himself.


Caroline had taken us back to her house where we laid low for about an hour.

We were about to leave again when Caroline's phone rang.

"Mom, hey!" She answers the call.

We continue to walk outside while she talks.

Suddenly, just as Caroline had turned around to lock her front door, an officer came up behind her, injecting vervain into her neck.

I gasp as I watch her fall unconscious.

I see the officer pull out another syringe, going for my neck.

I manage to knock the shot out of his hand, but that doesn't stop him from knocking my head against the wall, rendering me unconscious.


I groan as my eyes flutter open.

I scan my surroundings, looking at Rebekah and Caroline. Both are sitting on my left side but Caroline is closer. The female vampires are tied up into their seats of the van we sat in.

It takes me a moment to notice I was in the same position.

I yank my hands away from the side of the car they were tied to, only creating further friction on the rope binding them.

"What the hell is this?" I question the wet rope tying my hands.

"Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed us all to the Council." Caroline answers.

"Outed us? I don't get it, I'm not a vampire." I start to freak out.

"No offense, but Alaric kinda despised you for dating Klaus. He must've told them you were a vampire just to get you killed." Caroline explains

"Lovely." I sigh, banging my already aching head against my headrest.

"What exactly does this council think they can do to me?" Rebekah questions, knowing the white oak stake wasn't in their possession.

Suddenly, the wheels of the car start to screech.

The van flips.

The van lands on its side reclining all of us to lie on our backs, still strapped into our seats.

None of us were seriously injured but we stay silent in shock.

"What the hell happened?" Rebekah hisses in pain.

My eyes go wide as the door to the van is ripped open, revealing a very much living Tyler Lockwood.

"Tyler?" Caroline questions in shock.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz