Birthday blues

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I trudged tiredly through the school hallways before ending up at Caroline's locker.

Luckily I hadn't run into any of my friends yet.

I rest my backpack on the floor, pulling out a card that had a picture of a puppy with a crown on, the words reading "happy birthday cutie!"

I opened her locker, using my ultimate spy skills from when I memorized her code one day for this exact reason.

I placed the card inside before returning to my backpack and pulling out a small bouquet of flowers.

I smile gently at my work, closing the locker.

I might not have been talking to my friends right now, but that doesn't mean I would just ignore the fact it was Caroline's birthday.

I pull on my backpack and walk down the hall, my eyes trained on my feet.

"Ivy." I hear a familiar female voice call out warily.

I look up, meeting the eyes of Bonnie. "Hey." I offer her a forced smile.

"Look, Damon told everyone what happened with Mikael. I want you to know that I had absolutely no idea he was going to use you. I would never put you in that position." She says, her voice dripping with sincerity.

"Really?" I ask, suddenly feeling a bit of hope.

"I promise. Maybe I could take you out for ice cream tomorrow or something?" She offers.

An excited smile works it's way into my face.

"You know the way to my heart, Bonnie Bennett." I say, pulling her into a warm embrace.

"Hey, we're gonna surprise Caroline after school. Will you come?"

"Oh uh, I don't know..." I hesitate.

"Cmon. I'm sure Care would love for you to be there."

"You sure?"

"100 percent. She's been going on about how terrible she feels about what happened to you. I think you being there would make her feel a lot better."

"Okay. I'll go."


I stay as still and quiet as I can before Caroline enters the room we all reside in.

We all shout "surprise!" And jump out from our hiding place.

I hold onto the gifts I put in Caroline's locker, having retrieved them when I found out she wasn't there.

"Happy birthday!" Matt exclaims.

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asks.

"Well you blew off school and missed our work of birthday art, so..." Elena says, taking off the birthday crown she was wearing and putting it on Caroline's head.

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