Forgiveness and fighting

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The past few days have been peaceful.

Seemingly, for me, and me alone.

While I was cuddled up with Nik watching movies and ignoring everyone but Caroline, Rebekah informed me that there was a second white oak tree that was used to make wickery bridge.

And since wickery bridge had just been redone, Damon almost got his hands on all of the wood.

Thankfully, Rebekah told me she burned all of the wood from the bridge.

Caroline had also been keeping me up date on all of the supernatural news.

My latest update had told me Alaric Saltzman was the person committing all of those mysterious murders because his Gilbert ring made him develop a second vampire-hating identity.

Fun right?

Currently, I was walking hand-in-hand with Nik, looking for Finn so we could undo the link between all of us.

"Hello Finn." Nik greets as we come up beside the original.

"Hello Niklaus. I have nothing to say to you." He responds.

"Well, I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one time though, where's our mother?" Nik replies.

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice your little girlfriend all over again." Finn states.

"Rude." I mouth soundlessly as I rest my head against Nik's shoulder.

"Well, how fortunate that I found you, I require your assistance." Nik says.

"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead." Finn grumbles.

"Right, well, that's the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead, because if I die, then you die. So, wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid." Nik retorts.

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus." Finn sighs.

"Okay, as much as I love the cute little banter you guys have going, could we get to the point? I'm getting cold." I say, rubbing my arms to keep myself warm.

"Right, I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together." Nik states.

"I have no wish to be unlinked." Finn says.

Klaus moves in front of Finn and places his hand on his chest to stop him from moving any further.

"Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years." Nik threatens.

"What happens to one, happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but even after you heal your precious Ivy from the stab wound, she'd still be in pain for the rest of her little human life."

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now