Baby's first kidnapping

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Hey cuties, so this chapter is going to start a little bit into the episode called Rose in season two. I wanted to start the story off before Klaus gets here to establish Ivy's character a bit more. Enjoy :)

I wake to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder gently.

My body refuses to move for a second while I regain consciousness.

"Ivy." I hear a harsh whisper coming from my right.

My fingertips brush against the plush surface of an unfamiliar couch as I push myself into a sitting position.

The last thing I remember was walking with Elena to her car. But we never made it back from the party...

I rub the sleep from my eyes and look to Elena with a worried expression.

"Elena? what happened?" I ask quietly.

"These people kidnapped us. I tried to ask questions but they knocked me out." She replies.

Well isn't this just great?

I wasn't even supposed to be walking with Elena to her car. I only went because Damon didn't want me walking alone.

It also isn't helping that Elena actually hates me.

She has despised me since we were little for absolutely no reason. I try really hard to be nice to her. I would also usually keep some distance but one of my best friends Bonnie is also friends with Elena, so it's kind of impossible.

I hear the said kidnappers talking upstairs and try to listen in.

"How are the girls?" A female voice questions.

"They're still passed out." A male voice answers.

"Why did you bring two? We only need the doppelgänger." The woman asks.

"The other girl was there when I tried to take her. I didn't know what to do, so I took them both."

"God, you had one job Trevor!"

"Look, I'm sorry but at least I got the important one."

"You didn't touch her did you?"

"Give me some credit." The man pauses before asking a question. "So, you called him?"

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works."

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?"

I turn to Elena with a questioning look and mouth the name, seeing if she knew who they were referring to.

She simply roles her eyes and shrugs.

"They say he got it." The woman states.

"Wonderful, now what?"

Elena jabs my shoulder, bringing me out of my focus. She gestures to the staircase while getting up.

I violently shake my head no, but she just rolls her eyes and grabs me by the hand.

Of course I know about all of the supernatural things happening in mystic falls. But that doesn't mean I'm any less terrified of them.

I trust my supernatural friends. My bestfriend Damon is a vampire for god's sake. But I've never been kidnapped before and apparently I wasn't even supposed to be here, which isn't comforting at all.

I follow a small distance behind Elena
as we creep up, listening to their conversation.

"So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu