Dinner party from hell

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Same dress from last chapter

There was a slight lull in conversation, so I thought now would be a good time to explain Nik and I's situation.

"So, I have a teeny tiny little announcement. Uh if you could like keep your minds open, and really think about what I'm saying, I would greatly appreciate it."

"What are you talking about Baby?" Damon asks, looking curious.

"Well...Nik and I are in a relationship." I say, watching as both of the Salvatore's faces harden.

"What hell did you do?" Damon asks heatedly to Nik.

"I have done nothing but treat her with actual respect, instead of ignoring her feelings and wishes." Nik retorts.

"Wait, hold on with the bickering till I'm finished." I cut in.

"There's more!?" Damon exclaims.

The entire time I was speaking Stefan had just remained eerily silent.

"Yes, Nik and I are soulmates. Hundreds of years ago his mother cast a spell. Nik has been searching for his soulmate for most of his life. And he finally found me." I announce, smiling lightly at the hybrid.

"You're seriously choosing him over us!?" Damon questions, his face only portraying anger.

"Woah, I'm not choosing anyone. I'm just asking my friend to try and see this from my point of view."

"Well sorry if we can't get behind you screwing the psychopath." Stefan snaps.

"Stefan, I-"

"No, Ivy. If you really needed a guy to sleep with you that bad, you should've chosen just about anyone else!"

I look at my lap as tears cloud my vision. I see Nik's hand clenching into fist.

As I feel him about to spring up from his seat, I grab his hand, shaking my head no.

"Let's be clear gentlemen. Klaus and I have agreed to dinner on civil terms. Should you disrespect Ivy again, the night will have a very different ending. Are we understood?" Elijah asks threateningly.

"Yep." Damon answers simply.


"Where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know. Ask Damon." Stefan spits out.

Nik laughs at Elijah's confused look.
"I'm sorry, you've missed so much. Ah, trouble in paradise." Nik explains.

"Don't be mean." I whisper to him.

"I think he deserves it, Angel." Nik whispers back.

I shake my head before pushing my food around with the fork.

"One more word about Elena and this dinner's over." Stefan states.

Nik smiles and puts a finger to his lips in agreement.

"You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile." Damon adds.

"You're probably right." Nik admits.

Judging by the smirk on his face I'm guessing he wasn't going to follow instructions.

"Yeah." Damon mutters.

"It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgänger, still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?" Nik asks.

"Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?" Elijah says.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now