"Change into warmer clothes, we are going to the Falls. S'mores, camp fire.." Bonnie instructs.

"Cake! Like when we were little." Elena adds.

"Except for the tequila!" Matt jokes.

"Thanks, guys. Really, um, I'm just not feeling my birthday this year." Caroline says, making me frown.

"Well maybe we could just stay in and watch movies or something?" I suggest.

Caroline sends me a small smile when nobody acknowledges me.

"I'm sorry, what? You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year." Bonnie says.

"Yeah, and now, it's just a reminder that technically, I'm dead. Look, I didn't even like 17. And the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. It's a filler year; I'm stuck in a filler year." Caroline explains.

"You're not stuck, Caroline." Elena tries to sympathize.

"Yeah I am, but it's okay. You know, it's all good, I'll be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it."

"Okay, well I think I have another idea." Elena says.


"There it is!" Elena announces as we walk into a crypt located at the cemetery.

"This is creepy, even for us." Bonnie admits.

I quietly freak out when I walk into a spiderweb. Thankfully no one noticed so I didn't make a fool of myself.

"No, Caroline was right...technically, she's dead. Sorry. But you don't need a birthday, you need a funeral. You need to say goodbye to your old life, so that you can move on with your new one." Elena says.

Caroline smiles, before going with the idea. "Okay. Here lies Caroline Forbes..."

"Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls, third grade hopscotch champion..." Elena adds.

"Friend, daughter, overachiever..." Bonnie says.

"Mean girl, sometimes, no offense." Matt jokes.

"Ah, none taken." Caroline shrugs.

"She was 17, and she had a really good life. So rest in peace, so that she can move forward." Elena speaks, walking over to Caroline, holding her cake.

"That's what you really need. What we all really need. Amen, or cheers or whatever. Bonnie?" Elena finishes her speech.

I smile as Bonnie lights the candles with her magic.

"Nice! Okay, make a wish." Elena prompts, holding the cake out to Caroline, who closes her eyes and blows out the small flames.


I was sitting in the corner of the crypt eating cake.

I would socialize a little more, but I'm afraid Elena would start trying to fight, and I didn't want to ruin Caroline's birthday.

I look up from my devoured piece of cake to see Caroline awkwardly hovering.

"Hey Care." I smile softly.

"Hey Ivy." She smiles back, taking a seat next to me.

"Happy birthday. I know you're kinda sad this time but that's okay. You don't have to be happy if you don't want, that's the beauty of this fine day." I say.

She giggles, a genuine smile on her face.

"Thanks V. You're kinda the only one who's not trying to fix me right now. I really appreciate it."

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя