A vile accusation

Start from the beginning

Elijah opens the box and takes a very old looking jar from it.

"And that's where you come in." Elena says.

"This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation." Elijah holds up the container.

"So I'll be dead?" Elena asks.

"And then you won't." Elijah answers swiftly.

"That's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date?" Damon questions skeptically.

He pauses, looking over at Elena.

"You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?"

"Those rings only work on humans. The doppelgänger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the ring won't work." Elijah shoots down his suggestion.

"I'll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn't work, Elena?" Damon says.

"Then I guess I'll just be dead." Elena shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant.

Damon looks at Stefan. He shrugs in response. Damon then looks at Elijah before storming out of the room.

I frown, about to call out to him but Elena speaks before me.

"Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?" She questions the original.

"Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will." Elijah answers.


After that lovely little conversation, I went to my room so I could braid my hair for the day.

I always found braiding to be very calming, so here I stand putting the last rubber band around my intricate designs.

I'd straightened it recently which made it a bit easier to work with.

The sounds of Jenna shouting echos through the house and I rush to see what the problem is.

"Get out!" Jenna screams at Alaric.

I'm slightly shocked by his presence.

Everyone appears to have the same thoughts as they look at him cautiously, trying to see if it was Klaus.

"Jenna, Jenna!" Alaric shouts back, trying to get her to stop.

"Get out!" She screams again, keeping her crossbow perfectly aimed on the man.

"Jenna, put the crossbow down, okay? It's me." Alaric puts his hands up, attempting to show he wasn't dangerous.

"Stay away from me." Jenna warns.

"What's going on?" I ask, trying to find out what was actually happening.

"It's me, Ivy, I swear, okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go." Alaric promises.

"Prove it." Damon demands.

Alaric looks at Jenna, seemingly debating with himself about his next words.

"Okay, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to..."

"Okay, it's him." Jenna cuts him off, lowering her crossbow.

My face scrunches up in disgust.

"Why did he let you go?" Stefan questions, still looking a little skeptical.

"He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight."


I was in the middle of a conversation with Elijah when I heard a commotion coming from upstairs.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now