"Did you know?"

"Know what?" He questions, frantically trying to locate the problem.

"That Elijah wasn't fully dead?" My voice trembles.

"Baby, listen..."

"No! You let me think that he was gone forever. How could you do that?"

He looks at me guiltily.

"I was in so much pain, and you just let me go through that, knowing he could be revived." At this point I'm barely holding back the tears

"I'm so sorry Baby." Is the only response he can manage to come up with.

"I'm so mad at you right now."

"I know. And that's fine. But think of it this way, at least you have Elijah back."

I can't help but smile a little at the mention of my friend.

"See? There's that award winning smile." He grins.

"Don't even think you're off the hook yet mister! I'm expecting tons, and I mean tons, of presents in return for my forgiveness." I negotiate.

"I thought as much. I even have your first one right here!" His voice raises at the end of his sentence, as if he were talking to a child.

"Ooh what is it? Let me see!" I run up to him, grabbing the small box he's holding out.

I open it to reveal a beautiful gold necklace.

 "I know your vervain necklace broke a few days ago, so I thought i'd get you a new one

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"I know your vervain necklace broke a few days ago, so I thought i'd get you a new one." He explains the gift.

"Oh Damon, it's gorgeous!" I smile.

"Now, Andie and I are going on a little adventure. Would you like to join?"

"Sure." I shrug following after him to the car.


Andie, Damon, and I stood at Alaric's apartment door, hesitantly.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Andie says, worried.

"Investigative journalism...we're investigating." Damon tells her.

"Alaric? Are you home? It's Andie...star, Jenna's friend." She calls out to him through the door.

After no response, Damon decides to open the door himself.

I was very surprised to see Katherine standing on the other side.

"Thank god." Katherine sighs in relief.

Andie enters the room, but I stay outside with Damon for the moment.

"Are you okay?" I ask worriedly, as she had obviously not wanted to be there.

"I-" Katherine starts to answer, but is cut off by Damon.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now