"I don't need your lectures." Severus snaps. However, contrary to his attitude, Xing bent down to reach his eye level, smiling at him.

"Of course, you are an adult after all." With that, Xing placed her hand on his head, gently petting away the strands that have fell down, covering his face due to the earlier impact.

Moving away, Xing moved towards the brewing potion. "You're making Felix Felicis?"

Wordlessly, Severus Snape stood next to her. "Were you hurt?"

Scanning through the table filled with notes and materials, Xing paused at his words. "Hmm?"

"You were involved with Mr. Potter in fighting the troll."

"Ah.. that. Of course, how could I be?"

Letting out a scoff, he sarcastically replied, "The all-mighty Xing Forest would definitely not et hurt, but the damage it would do to the Slytherin house if you were to is quite concerning."

Xing shrugged, "Don't worry too much, I won't let my actions affect our house. I am, after all, not called the Slytherin Lady for nothing."

With that, the room falls into a silence once again aside from the gentle bubbling of the potion brewing over the fire.

Giving it a stir, Xing looks at the concoction before reaching over to the herbs. Curiously, Severus Snape steps back to let Xing have more space. After a short while, the potion finally finished brewing. Pouring it into a vile, Xing turned back to see the Potion Master staring at her.

"The concentration of luck in the bottle has increase, so don't overtake it."

Taking the vile from her hands, Severus Snape brought it closer to his face to examine the liquid. Unlike the usual watery yellow with hints of gold, the potion have changed into a metallic gold.

Realizing the change of quality, he looked at Xing with a surprise expression.

Xing shrugged, "Had some free time, and decided to do some experimenting."

With a wave of her wand, the pot was cleaned and return to its storage. 

"It was nice talking to you, Severus. Have a good night."


Walking among the dark corridors, Xing felt the heaviness on her shoulders more than ever. As the candles lightly cast its shadows on to the brick walls, her shadow loom through the hall. Feeling a strange sense of silence, Xing came to a full stop.

Taking a look around, there was nothing except for her towering shadow, floating candles, and the gentle breeze. Cautiously looking around, Xing saw nothing.

With that, she turned back and prepared to go back to her dorms.


Stopping in her tracks, Xing spins around, eyes rapidly scanning around the area. Stopping at a far distance, a picture frame lays broken on the floor. Cautiously walking up to it, Xing pulls out her wand.

Now in a safe-distance from the frame, Xing peers over it to examine the damage.

Strange. This was one of the few portraits that did not hold any ghosts, serving as a communal place for them.


A hiss was suddenly heard from behind her.

Flipping back, Xing narrowed her eyebrows at the sight in front of her. "Professor Dumbledore."

Now, standing in front of her was the infamous headmaster of Hogwarts Schools of Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore.

"Ms. Forest, how are you on this fine night?"

Secretly tucking her wand back into her cloak, Xing relaxed her shoulders, "Apologies, professor, I wanted to go see the stars from the Astronomy Tower."

Albus Dumbledore only chuckle at the response, "No need to be so courteous, Ms. Forest."

Xing tilt her head, "How can I, professor? After all, you are much older than me."

At this, Albus Dumbledore bursted out in laughter, "Now, Ms. Forest, there is no need for you to remind me of my old age, is there?"

She simply smiled, "Of course not."

The two then shared a stalling silence before Dumbledore jumped up, "It seems it have past midnight. It is best that you return back to your dorm now."

At his words, Xing only noticed how late is actually is. "Right, good night, professor."

With that, Xing turn around, heading straight to her dorms. Meanwhile, Albus Dumbledore continues to stand still, waiting for her to disappear out of sight. "Good night."

Xing was now rushing back to her dorms, before the appearance of Dumbledore, the sound that she heard was anything but normal. Feeling a sense of urgency, Xing increase her pace, almost running towards the dorm, no longer feeling safe within the empty corridors.

Click. Clack. Click. Her shoes click against the floor. 

Once she slipped inside the dorm, only then can Xing calm her heart down. However, contrary to what she expect, there was still a body laying on the couch nearby the door. Coming close for inspection, she realized that it was no other than the little dragon. In front of him lays a pile of paper which she assumes was homework, judging from the quill that lays nearby and the line of words being unfinished.

Whispering a simple spell to help organize the papers, she then followed with a simple Wingardium Leviosa as Xing brought the little dragon into her arms, gently carrying him up. With the sudden touch, Draco slightly stirred before setting on a more comfortable position, head resting against her chest.

Seeing this sight, Xing could only chuckle, carrying him to his room. Before entering the room, Xing chant the disillusionment charm to prevent his friends to see this sight of him. Once she have safely dropped him off, papers piled neatly on the table next to him, Draco tucked in bed nicely, only then did Xing leave. 

Entering her room, Xing felt the pressure slowly slipping off her shoulders. Going towards the closet, Xing took out some pajamas before changing into them. Once done, she was about to slip into bed before hearing a small shuffle next to her. 

"Xing? Why are you still awake?" Aella sleepily yawned out. 

Stepping closer to her, Xing crouched down to meet her level. 

"I wanted to go for a walk before sleeping."

Chuckling at her small yawn, Xing pushed her down on to her bed. "Good night."

In her sleep, Aella pouted. "Don't treat me like a child."

"Of course."

With that, it brought a smile on to her face. "Good night, Xing."

Sitting next to her, Xing patiently waited for the girl to fall asleep before moving on to her own bed. 

Closing her eyes, the memories of the previous interaction played in her mind. Strangely enough, before she can comprehend what the sound was, Albus Dumbledore appeared right on time to prevent her from doing so. 

Xing grimaced at the thought. 

However, before Dumbledore appeared, Xing was able to hear something. Enough that it engrained the voice into her mind.

One that have provoked and trigger some past memories, ones that she would prefer not to remember.  

Her name. Was what it said. But not the one she was used to. 

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