"stark men are made of iron."

Start from the beginning

Dr Yinsen was the only teacher that paid enough attention to Tony without assuming he was doing something wrong. He was the only one who recognised the pure genius in Tony and appreciated him for it. Instead of giving him tasks he was clearly able to do, the man assigned college level work for Tony.

And when Tony spent his lunch with Yinsen, the scientist supplied him with tools and devices that would allow him to work on whatever he wanted to. It was in Yinsen's class that Dum-E was birthed, and developed over time. His first creation was made in Yinsen's class, and the man was so proud of him that Tony almost cried over it.

Daddy issues, am I right?

"Oi, Stark." 

Tony groaned. He was on his way to Yinsen's classroom to eat lunch in there and work on Dum-E. "What do you want, Hammer?"

"You got my maths homework?"

Tony was smart, but he didn't like doing other people's homework. Ty and Sunset made him do their homework. Hammer forced him to as well. Tony was still scrawny and short in high school, and Hammer was tall and slightly bulky, but not Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson bulky, so Tony was physically intimidated by the junior.

He had denied at first, but then Hammer strangled him and threatened to smash his face in and Tony had given in. He was stronger than that, his father trained him to be, but his school was supposed to be a safe haven from the abuse at home, so he tried to avoid being hurt at school. Which meant he did Hammer's homework.

"It's in my bag somewhere." Tony said quietly, digging through his bag to find the sheets and get away from this annoying boy. A spare part for Dum-E fell out and Hammer picked it up.

"What nerdy shit is this?" He asked. "Seems breakable to me." 

"Don't, Hammer, I need that."

"I need my homework, and you're taking your sweet fucking time." Hammer stepped forward, to which Tony stepped back. Hammer smirked at that.

Tony noticed people staring, the Avengers included, and rushed to get the homework out. He hated crowds, despite being trained at a young age to please them and look good for them. When he finally found the sheet, he handed it over quickly and tried to run.

"Stark couldn't get any lower. Doing homework for other people just because he thinks he's so smart and special." Barton muttered.

Tony felt like shit. He wanted to run away, but Hammer still had him cornered, his back was practically pressed against the locker. "Can I go?"

"You've got this shit to do as well. I want it by the end of lunch." Hammer snarled, shoving a stack of paper into Tony's chest.

"Okay." He said quietly, running off with the paper in his hand, knowing the Avengers were watching and talking about him. He hated that so much.

Tony was a coffee drinker from a young age. He thrived on coffee, and if he wasn't drinking alcohol, he was drinking coffee. His father had no issue with him being out of the house as long as he'd be back before ten, so he usually went to the coffee shop by Shield High and did his homework (and Hammer's) there.

He was sitting, minding his own business, hidden in a far booth behind a laptop and a stack of books, he noticed a group of teenagers his age sitting nearby. When he looked up from behind his laptop, he realised it was the Avengers and turned his music up. He wanted to look as unapproachable as possible.

But then he heard his name, and put his music off completely, keeping his headphones in.

It's not eavesdropping if it concerns you, right?

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