11- ice cream

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bailey's pov

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bailey's pov

It was almost 8 pm and they had been together all day. They were walking around the city and talking about their memories from filming and new things that has happened in their life recently.

Bailey loved Phoebe. She was like a shot of espresso. She was so energetic, kind and funny. The only thing she wanted for her and Jack was to be together.

Jack and Phoebe were walking side by side in front of Bailey, Jamie and Trinity.

"Do you guys think our lover boy is in love with her?" Jamie asked curiously.

Bailey punches him in the shoulder. "Didn't you see how they look at each other and how Jack tries to be with her every second?"

Jamie looks offended. "Of course I noticed, just making sure."

"I've never seen him this happy." Trinity says.

They look at her and nod their heads in agreement.

"Do you think he's gonna confess?" Jamie asks.

"Oh God, I hope he does, or I'm gonna be embarrassed of him." Bailey says and chuckles.

"Well, he's never dated anyone, so I think he might not know what to do." Trinity said looking thoughtful.

In front of them Phoebe hugs Jack and they look at each other for a moment and smile.

"Ew. They should get together already, I hate this." Jamie jokes.

"I think it's cute, she's gonna be his first and probably last girlfriend, I think she's the right person for him." Trinity says while smiling and looking at Jack and Phoebe who are watching the moon.

"She would be the best mom to you, she can teach you how to sing and play guitar." says Jamie giggling.

"You're already their daughter." says Bailey, laughing and pushing her forward.

Jack finally notices them being left out and puts Trinity on his shoulder, "We should buy ice cream."

"YES!" they all shout excitedly.

"Who's gonna be the last to find ice cream shop is a loser." Bailey says laughing and they all start running.

"Jack, faster!" Trinity yells at him from his shoulder and start hysterically laughing.

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