Keira Walsh + Lucy Bronze : My girl

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Lucy's POV:

" Keira , " I called after her.

Running to catch up to her, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

" Come to mine. Movie night ?" I suggested , desperate to spend more time with her. 

" Sure but maybe I should change into something else first , " she replied.

" No need , you look beautiful in anything. "

She flushed bright red. Why did I say that? Although a part of me was sincere.  To me , Keira was the most beautiful person in the world , inside and out. I felt a real connection to her but I knew that nothing would ever happen in that way.

Grabbing Keira's hand, I pulled her to my car.

" Can't we walk? " Keira's face was pale.

" Why ? I need my car at home , " I was confused. Keira nodded slightly. I grabbed her shoulders , holding her securely.

" Are you scared of other people driving ? " I asked softly.

" Maybe , " she replied softly.

Keira's POV:

" OK. We'll walk then ," Lucy turned to walk away.

" Huh? "

" You don't like cars. I don't like making you uncomfortable.  We'll walk . "

I smiled shyly at my feet.

" Whatcha smiling at , " Lucy was smiling too now.

" How considerate you are , " I pulled her in for a hug.

" For you always , " now I was confused. Was Lucy flirting with me? She pulled away , but held my hand as we started to walk. It felt so right ; her hand in mine. Her hand was much bigger than mine, encasing it protectively. 

" Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable ," she rubbed her neck awkwardly, going to pull away.

I held onto it, still walking. She looked up at me smiling shyly. 

We arrived at her house. Releasing my hand, she opened the door for me.

"Right grab some of my clothes from upstairs if you want and sit down on the sofa. I'll bring some snacks in ."

Walking upstairs, I grabbed one of Lucy's hoodies. Pulling it on, I inhaled her gorgeous scent. Snuggling into it, I imagined her strong arms around me. Eyes half-closed blissfully, I fantasized it as I walked down her stairs.

Suddenly, I was enveloped into those exact arms. Luce was carrying me ; her strong arms wrapped securely around me. Gently, she lay me on the sofa, sitting next to me.

Lucy's POV : 

As the  movie progressed, I felt Keira moving towards me underneath our shared blanket. Almost like she wanted to cuddle into me but lacked confidence.

I wiggled closer to her and shifted my weight, inviting her to come closer. She tentatively leaner closer, her head grazing my shoulder. 

"Is this ok?" she asked nervously. I nodded, wrapping an arm around her little frame. 

Keira's POV :

Lucy wrapped her muscular arms around my waist, pulling me into her. I leaned my head on her shoulder, snuggling into her comforting body. I felt as she pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of my head. Normal for friends right?

I desperately tried to hide my cheesy grin but failed. Lucy just laughed. She was looking down at me smiling , "You can smile Kei."

Kei. She called me Kei. My heart fluttered. She pulled me closer, laying my head in the crook of her neck. 

"Ok Luce."

"Balcony?" she asked. I nodded into her neck. Flipping the hair from my shoulders carefully, she wrapped the blanket solely around my shoulders.

"You'll be cold," I protested.

"I don't care as long as your warm." Butterflies again.

"Share, " just an excuse to cuddle up to her again.

Lucy's POV : 

She nodded, glancing down at my hand. I held my hand out to her and immediately her soft skin slotted inside mine. Grabbing a beanbag, I pulled open the balcony door. Falling down into it, I pulled Keira with me.

No-one's POV : 

"Luce  look at the sunset."

The two girls cuddled even closer as they watched the beautiful sunset ; streaks of orange illuminating their faces. 

"It's beautiful ," Keira breathed, laying her head on Lucy's chest.

Lucy inhaled Keira's scent ," Just like you."

Keira did a double take, "Whatever."

"I mean it KeKe. You are beautiful to me, " Lucy was timid.

"You are a beautiful person Lucy."

"And you. You are beautiful human inside and out, and the light of my world and I.. I - love you," Lucy gazed intently into Keira's eyes.

"I mean it. I love you Keira." Lucy pulled the blanket up to her chin.

Keira pulled Lucy to her feet. Carefully, she wrapped her arms around Lucy's neck, who immediately rested her hands on Keira's sides. They gazed intently into each other's eyes. 

Lucy leaned in and their lips pressed softly against each other. A kiss filled with passion and love. A kiss that left them breathless and smiling.

"I love you Lucy."                                                                                                                                                                     "I love you too Keira, my beautiful girl," Lucy's eyes sparkled in the sunset.

" Your beautiful girl?" Keira was smiling as she stepped into Lucy's arms.

"if you want to be ," Lucy softly rubbed Keira's back.

"Say it properly."

"Will you be my girlfriend Keira?" Keira laid her head on Lucy's chest.


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