Lucy Bronze+ Keira Walsh - Don't let go - Part 3

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Lucy's POV:

As I turned the corner into the bathroom, I fell to my knees. Keira was sprawled on the floor unconscious ; she was barely breathing. As I knelt down next to her, I turned her head towards me. I gasped. There was a huge gash running across her temple, blood pouring out.

Keira's POV:

I felt someone wipe liquid from my forehead, before pressing a cloth to it. Struggling, I tried to sit up but someone pulled me down into their lap. I looked up at Lucy, who was fumbling with her phone, whilst pressing a towel to my head. Fear rushed through my veins. If something happened, I needed her.

"I love you," I whispered weakly, before losing consciousness.

Lucy's POV:

"I love you too. More than you will ever know." I choked up, tears pouring down my face.

I was still struggling to ring 999, with both hands now covered in blood.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open.

"HELP," I screamed, my voice cracking.

Footsteps thundered up the stairs, before the door burst open. Jordan and Leah skidded to a halt. Their faces dropped, slowly draining of colour. Leah grabbed the phone with one hand, dialling 999, the other pressing a thicker towel onto Keira's head.

Jordan checked Keira's pulse and breathing before dropping down next to me. None of us dared to move for the five minutes of waiting.

Skip to the hospital...

Keira's POV:

As I regained consciousness, my head pounded. I slowly opened my eyes. All I could see was bright light. I started to cry until I felt a soft hand gently brush the hair out of my face. Lucy pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I felt Lucy stroking my forehead, whispering to me softly, until she was taken away.

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