Lucy Bronze + Keira Walsh : Don't Let Go

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Lucy's POV :

I blinked my eyes open , trying not to let the early morning light in. I glanced down at the weight pressing onto my shoulder and chest. I smiled softly and watched my girlfriend sleep for a few moments. Her hair sprawled across my chest, her legs tangled in mine and her sleepy breaths tickling my neck.

I watched as she snuggled closer to me, still in a blissfully deep sleep. I wrapped my arms around her back, tracing the exposed skin. I stayed in this position for 10 minutes, cherishing our embrace.

As footballers, we rarely get days off, so moments like this are special.

Keira slowly woke up, her eyes fluttering open. Her piercing blue eyes met mine. She broke into a soft smile and pressed her body into mine.

I gently stroked her cheek with the pad of my finger. Grinning broadly, as her small hand wriggled into mine.

She looked up at me. "Hi," she whispered with her morning voice.

"Good morning my love. How did you sleep?" I replied, still stroking her face.

"Good. Nice and warm with your arms around me."

"How about some breakfast?" I suggested gingerly, knowing how much she hated getting up.

"I don't want to get up Luce." She sighed.

I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. "I know, but I want to take you out. You jump in the shower, whilst I make breakfast. Is that ok?"

She nodded slowly, kissed my hand lightly before swinging herself to the side so she was sat on the edge of the bed. She rubbed her eyes, yawning widely.

I kissed her forehead before saying, "I love you KeKe." She smiled and pulled me in . "I love you too Luce, but I should probably shower now."

I kissed her cheek and pulled her up into my arms. She hugged me tightly, before stepping into the bathroom. "What do you want to eat?" I asked.


I walked downstairs, fed Narla and got my ingredients. I prepared them just how Keira liked them. I topped them with maple syrup and strawberries , before placing them on the kitchen counter. Sat on a bar stool, I replied to Leah's text, telling her and Jordan they could come over.

Authors note- finally gained enough courage to post my stories. Also , I have written a story about Beth and Viv, and Beth's mum's death but I don't know whether to post it. Thoughts? I don't want to be disrespectful to anybody. :)

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