Viv Miedema + Lisa Evans : Change of scenery : Part 2

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Lisa's POV : 

I held Viv's face in my hands, gently wiping her tears.

Taking a deep breath she whispered " what do we do? "

Honestly, I had no clue but i wasn't going to tell Viv that.

My phone buzzed from the counter, making us both jump.

Mum <3

I picked it up and sat down on the sofa, pulling Viv with me. I went to speak but my mum interrupted me.

" Lisa , me and your dad think you should come and stay with us. "

I was stunned. This could be the solution to all of our problems. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Viv dropped her eyes to the floor, visibly upset. I knew Viv, I knew she would have presumed she was not invited.

" Are you sure? " I asked.

" Of course, you will always be welcome her. You are family after all, " my mother replied. This only made Viv more upset : she couldn't see her family.

" Viv can come too right ? " I questioned, already knowing the answer.

" Obviously. She's family too."

Viv's head shot up from her lap, her eye shining. Grinning broadly, she sunk further back into the sofa, laying her legs gently in my lap.

" Okay. We'll drive up first thing tomorrow, " I told my parents.

I ended the call.

I went to talk to Viv, only to see that she had fallen asleep, a soft smile still, etched onto her face. Gently moving her lags from my lap, I lay down next to her. Luckily, our sofa was just about big enough.

Authors Note : Sorry this chapter is short. I have the next few already written up, I will publish them at some point this week. Sorry for being inactive this past week, I recently broke three fingers so it's been challenging. 

As always feedback or suggestions  is always appreciated <3

Woso mini storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें