Viv Miedema + Lisa Evans : Change of scenery

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Authors note : I am aware that Viv and Lisa are no longer together, however this an old story and it seems a shame not to publish it.

Viv's POV :

"Viv can you come here a second?" Lisa sounded panicked.

i walked into the kitchen and over to the kitchen island where Lisa was sitting.

"Look at this," Lisa referenced to her phone. I watched over her shoulder as she pressed play. It was a video of the prime minister Boris Johnson at a press conference.

"The lockdown will be in full effect starting from Sunday."

I dropped into the seat beside Lisa, my head falling into my hands. What do we do now? Do i fly back to Holland? Do i stay here?

Suddenly, my hone rang, snapping me from my trance. It was Jill Roord :

Dutch in bold, English is normal

Jilldo :)

"Hoi." ( Hi )

"Hoi, heb je het nieuws gezien?" ( Hi, have you seen the news? ) she asked me.

"Jill, Lisa's here," i told her, converting to English.

"Sorry Lisa. Anyway have you seen the news?" she replied.

"Just," i muttered.

"As you know, I conveniently went back to Holland to see family so I'm just going to stay here."

"Ok, i think I am going to come home immediately," i told her unsurely.

Lisa's POV :

"Je kunt toch niet dat ze de grenzen hebben gesloten Viv. Er is geen weg naar binnen. "

( You can't , they have closed the boarders Viv. There is no way in. )

I had no clue what she said, but it took Viv by surprise.

" Nee ! Echt ? " ( No ! For real ? ) This i did understand.

" What are you going to do Viv ? " Jill asked, returning to English. I often found that our Dutch players returned to their native language when they were overcome with emotion.

" Jill, I don't know okay?" Viv exclaimed getting wound up now.

Viv swore under her breath in Dutch, which seriously concerned me as Viv rarely swore, especially not in Dutch. I only understood what she said because of spending thousands of hours in the presence of Danielle Van De Donk : a fiery dutchie who did not filter her language. Ever.

I rubbed Viv's hand softly.

Viv's POV :

I jumped at Lisa's touch : I had forgotten she was even there.

I bid goodbye to Jill before turning to Lisa.

" What's happening bubs? " she asked softly. I stood up, sighing.

" Holland's shut the borders. I can't go home . "

Lisa's POV :

Viv might act as though she's fine but I knew how much this would affect her. She loved her family dearly and we had no clue how long the lockdown would last.

Viv's POV :

Lisa stood up , standing next to me. I knew she understand how big of a deal this was to me. She knew me too well.

She pulled me gently into a comforting hug, rubbing the back of my head softly. I buried my head in her hair as hot tears streamed down my face.

Lisa's head shot up from my chest as soon as she heard me crying.

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