Lucy Bronze + Keira Walsh - Don't let go - Part 2

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Keiras POV:

I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water trickle down my exposed back. I often find that my body relaxes and my mind wanders. Predictably, as I relax my head fills with Lucy.

It's all Lucy, Lucy, Lucy.

Her smile , her kind and caring personality and gorgeous smile.

What angel offers to wake up early just to cook me breakfast? Lucy
Who makes sure I fall asleep before she does? Lucy
Who knows me better than I do? Lucy

I just love her.

I shake my head out of my thoughts as my phone buzzes. I step out of the shower, twisting a towel around me. Lucy's text explains that Jordan and Leah will be here soon and my breakfast is waiting downstairs. I rush around, grabbing some jeans and one of Luce's hoodies. I go to step out of the bathroom, excited to see my two best friends. As I walk downstairs I trip over my own feet. Everything went black...

Lucy's POV:

As I text Jordan the plans for today, I'm brutally interrupted. I hear a heavy thump, followed by smaller thuds.

Something is wrong. My heart drops as I cry out "Keira?" No reply. I stand up , my sixth sense kicking in. Something wasn't right and I was seriously concerned.

" HELP. AARGH." a feeble voice cries. My heartbeat immediately raced. Keira is my world, I can't lose her. As I run upstairs a million thoughts run through my head, my mind racing. However nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see.

Authors note- sorry this chapter wasn't that exciting. It will improve , I promise.

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