Chapter 9

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I drag the dusty book out from the farthest corner of the shelf

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I drag the dusty book out from the farthest corner of the shelf. Layers of dust have settled on it and it looks like nobody has bothered to open it for a long time. The green in the cover has almost turned brown but the title is still gleaming in gold beneath all that—real gold.

Magie Ancienne

The Book of Ancient Magic. I run my fingers along the cracked spine. Living in the woods all my life, I have never had a chance to access all the ancient literature but coming to the University of Sundale, I was determined to uncover the secrets of who I am. The magic flowing in me had never been identified or defined, but I too have the right to know what my powers can do. The traditional elemental magic possessed by all the other faeries around me wasn't for me. I couldn't control air, water, fire, earth or space, nor could I imbibe strength from the sun and the moon like the royals. So what was I?

The delicate yellowed pages threaten to crack at every turn while I breeze through the descriptions of elementary magic. They're the same old boring and I skip over the first few pages, landing on a page where my eyes got glued to one word purple flames. That is it. That is me. There's a neat diagram of a fairy silhouette illustrated with flames in purple ink rising from it. The symbol at the centre of her chest is a purple gemstone surrounded by four other stones—yellow garnet for fire, blue sapphire for water, an emerald for earth, and a diamond for space. The entire system is surrounded by two branches, one gold, and one silver—the sun and the moon.

My eyes travel down the page and get stuck on one line.

They cannot exist.

What now?

According to the text, a fairy bestowed with the power of all six elements is not possible, because a single individual can't contain all the magic in themselves. It's too vast and too deadly having even two elements combined. Their birth is also unheard of because such a fairy needs to be born in a field of moonflowers when there is a full lunar eclipse and the planets line up together with the moon on the same night, so the combined power of the planets witnesses the birth of an individual who will be blessed with all powers. But there are no known records.

The doubt which was seeded in me just got deeper. Fleurian fairies don't exist and yet the kind of magic I have in me can be explained by this one definition.

I pick up the book and head straight for the wood-panelled counter behind the reading area. The middle-aged woman with a shock of orange hair reminds me of someone from my past but I brush off those thoughts. She looks at me from over the rim of her glasses and puts down a slim book that she's been reading. I notice it's a book of ritualistic incantations.

"Hey sweetie, how can I help you?"

She has a singsong voice like an opera artist.

"Do you have a book on Fleurian fairies?" 

"Fleurian fairies, interesting," she mumbles, scanning me from top to bottom. "Why would you need to know about them?"

"It's just an assignment for extra grades in—umm—history of the land." I put on a forced smile to seem genuine.

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