chapter-30- was ready

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Cale was too tired to pay attention to anything that morning. Oh boy, how he regretted it.

He didn't notice the appearance of his carriage that was screaming 'come rob me' and he only realized that a mistake once they were out of the Henituse territory.

I mean who would be foolish to rob the count's carriage inside the territory. The problem started when they were outside the territory.

Bandits started surrounding the carriage as soon as they step outside the territory.

Cale didn't notice the bandits at first until he woke up to the sound of swords clashing.

Cale groan as he whipped open his eyes but he noticed that the curtain outside his carriage were drawn.

Raon was missing too. "Raon?"

- Weak human, don't be afraid I'm right here. This great and mighty Raon Miru will protect you.

'Protect me from what?' Cale thought it must have something to do with all the noise outside.

But soon enough, the noise died down and finally his carriage door opened and Ron came in.

Ron smile benignly. "Don't worry, young master. The rats have been dealt with." Cale peek behind to see a bloody scene, so he immediately look away.

"Let's move on." Ron nodded and stepped out of the carriage and closed the door.

Cale push the curtain a little to look outside and saw a Choi Han standing in the middle of a blood bath with the soldiers looking at him with admiring eyes.

They made eye contact and Cale look away and drop back the curtain. 

Soon enough they’re journey continued until they got to a campsite and decided to rest for the night.

Cale came down from the carriage and all eyes turned to him. "Young master, I will be prepared dinner." Cale nodded and Ron smile his signature smile.

Cale was getting chills. "Please rest, young master. I will catch some delicious rabbit for you."

Yep Cale wasn't going to comment. 'This puppy still looks too pale. It won't be good for him to move around too much.

I plan to get rid of the rats before the puppy wake up but the punk was too loud and he woke the puppy up.'

Ron click his tongue internally as his eyes turned cold. Cale decided to take a walk around.

He has been too stiff after staying in that carriage for a long time? On and Hong also went down from the carriage and start playing.

-Weak human, where are we going?

Raon asked. Cale stumble a little as he felt Raon's weight on his shoulder but he quickly regained his posture before anyone could see.

Unfortunately for him, the whole campsite saw it as the focus was on him the moment he stepped out of the carriage.

Hillsman approach Cale. "Young master, where are you going? I'll escort you. It's getting late."

Cale shake his head. "You don't need to follow me. Go rest up. The trip was tiring after all." 'Why would I need you, when I have Raon.'

Cale patted his shoulder as he walked past him. Everyone was just  left stunned to which Cale didn't notice.

Cale started walking toward the woods. Raon appear on his shoulder. Cale just glance at him.

"Where are we going, human?" "Just taking a walk." "OK, but you can't stay out too long or you'll catch a cold."

Cale just ignore the worried dragon. He needed to take a breath right now.

Cale was starting to miss the time when he was a trash he doesn't need to do much.

All he need to do is lay around all week and go to the palace on the weekend to eat cooki- I mean to help Alberu with work and his life would continue like that without doing anything tiring.

But since the day he was forced to debut due to that royal pain in the ass of a father and son, his days were only filled with problems.

Not to mention, that demon tea is being more sour as days pass. They're not to blame for that but Cale consider all his problems their faults, so yeah.

Is he gonna keep blaming everything bad that happen to him on the royals?

Yes, yes he is. I mean who else is responsible if not those shinning nuggets of a family.

The only thing good about them is their shinning heads because it look like gold and gold is good.

Cale wonder if he could shave their head and sell their hair like real gold.

Hmm.... should he try it when he get home?

Miles away a certain blond family started getting chills. Everyone except a certain fake blond had no idea what's going on.

Certain fake blond: my 'Cale is cursing at me again' rader is going off again.

Cale needed a quiet place to calm down and clear his mind. When Cale come back, dinner was ready.

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