FOURTEEN - "I've fallen."

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The subway station was filled to the brim  that evening with passers-by desperate to catch a glimpse at the girl who'd been stabbed and was bleeding out. It was Halloween after all, and a real life stabbing was one of the scariest things of all, especially when it happened to a Woodsboro survivor that was.

Both Lyds and Ethan's hands were covered in blood, in more ways than one, as they held each other. The Greystone girl had never felt such fear before, she'd never had true family of her own, but Mindy was that, and to even see her with a single stab wound, being loaded up onto a gurney, made Lyds's stomach churn.

"Wait!" Lyds yelled as she followed her friend out onto the street. "Mindy! We're coming with you!"

"No. You have to go find Chad. You have to find the others."

"I'm not leaving you-"

"Ethan." Mindy suddenly cut her off with teary eyes. "You have to take her."

"Mindy, you've been fucking stabbed." The blonde hissed as her friend was lifted into the back of the ambulance. "Please!"

"One of us has to protect them. I'll be okay... you two, you have to go. You have to end this."


Lyds quickly tried to move for the steps but Ethan was quick to pull her back. He gave her a warning look, begging her not to, but still the girl lunged forward again and then Ethan was tearing her back into his arms as the ambulance doors were shut and Mindy was driven away.

Ethan had never seen Lyds as angry as he did that night. He'd never known her to kick and scream and thrash around in his arms in such a manner as she did then. He hadn't even believed her and Mindy were awfully close until that moment, well not in comparison to her and Chad at least. But even so, he'd known her to see red at times, especially after he'd physically restrained her in the street, but this was a whole other side to his lover. One he didn't think was even a possibility.

"Fucking let go of me!" She hissed, "Let go!"

"Lyds calm down!"

"Get off!"

"Lyds, it's me! It's me!"

It was almost as if she didn't even recognise him, like she was a woman possessed. That was the only thing that could explain it.

"Calm down sweetheart!" He begged and pulled her even tighter against him, forcing her arms to her sides in a bear hug. "Come on L, it's Ethan. It's E! I'm not going anywhere! I'm not gonna let go of you."

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