THREE - "You're safe with me."

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The walk home that night to Sam and Tara's place was a long one, at least that's what Ethan thought. The boy had hoped, prayed even, that by some miracle they'd allow him and Lyds to be alone, allow him to walk her back to their separate dorms on the opposite side of town, away from Samantha Carpenter and the vacuum that was her life.

But as all vacuums functioned, Sam sucked Lyds back in again. And Ethan was sucked right back in with her.

"Tara come back here right now!"

"T please just calm down." The blonde begged, pulling at the younger carpenter sister's hand whilst her other lay encased in Ethan's. "Maybe you should talk to her-"

"Lyds I mean this respectfully, but please fuck off."

"Hey I'm just trying to help you."

"You're drunk."

"So are you, and lashing out at your sister isn't going to do anyone any good."

"She embarrassed me!"

"She saved you from that guy... Tara you've gotta be kidding me right now? Do you not realise what happened back there?"

"Lyds just drop it." Ethan pleaded, pulling her back to him.

"Stay out of this Ethan!" Tara snapped

"Hey, don't talk to him that way!" Lydia finally bit back, clutching his hand even harder. "Leave him out of this."

"You've known him for one night L."

And Ethan was pretty sure he could tell Tara more about Lyds than she'd ever think to know, all from one night, or almost three months, but who was counting?

She was his. He knew that. He knew it. So it made his blood boil that some entitled little bitch had tried to degrade their bond all because they'd known each other a night. A fucking night.

"So what?"

Tara scoffed, "Be for real."

"Hey-" Ethan tried, ready to make her eat her words but Lyds was quick to interrupt him, knowing that whatever came out of his mouth Tara would only use for ammunition.

So she was protecting him, again.

"Look... Tara you know I am always in your corner, and I do not wanna fight with you, but maybe this once Sam is right. You can't act like what was going to happen to you was normal. She was protecting you."

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