TWO - "Lovebirds?"

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Ethan Kirsch had never found himself as drunk as he was the night of the party. Of course it hadn't been his plan at all, but beer pong was the party's deadliest weapon and it had certainly taken him victim.

It seemed it had taken his crush victim too as she stumbled all over the place, periodically grabbing his arm for balance or just for a place to rest. It was sending him fucking crazy.

He could see guy after guy staring at her, waiting for her to wander off alone, and he wanted to gut each and every single one of them. But she was his first priority, always. Whether she knew it or not. And so despite his rage, and his drunkenness, his eyes were on her at all times, like the plague. Like they always were.

"I can't believe we won beer pong." She mumbled, her arms wrapped around his waist. "I think there might have been vodka in a couple of those cups."

"You bet your ass there was!" Chad let out a laugh, ruffling her hair. "We should do something else! Something fun!"

"We could dance for a little while?" Ethan suggested, "If we do much else, I think I'll throw up."

"I second that." Lydia smiled, her words slurred together as her weight rested solely upon him.

"Come on lovebirds don't be so boring!"

Boring? She's fucking incapacitated.

"Lovebirds?" She asked, and E's blood ran cold.

Was she really about to shoot him down? All whilst clinging to him like Rose on the door in Titanic? Seriously?

"That's cute."

A win?

"Let's just dance for a while man, we haven't since we got here."

"Alright you got me there."

Together the three friends bounced around, swaying and knocking into one another to their heart's content. They looked like a bunch of idiots, Ethan knew that, but truthfully he'd never had a better night in his life. No matter how much he hated to admit it.

"I'm glad I met you Ethan! You're fun!" Lyds told him later that night, with the music pounding around her and her arms around both him and Chad. "I think we'll keep you around!"

"I figured you might!" He told her.

"Let's keep this night going!" Chad yelled, producing three more shots from seemingly nowhere. "Look at me, I'm in New York with my two best friends! What could go wrong huh?

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