1 - The Start of the School Year

Start from the beginning

"I couldn't agree more," Sasha said, impressed by Hiro's confidence. "Anyway, I'm going to grab some snacks and sandwiches. See you around at school!" She walked away.

"Sorry for taking up your time," Hiro apologized, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it; I enjoyed our conversation," Sasha replied, shaking her head.

"Thanks for saying that; it means a lot," Hiro said, feeling relieved.

"I should get going too. I need to grab some snacks myself," Hiro added, waving goodbye to Sasha.

Hiro chose a snack to enjoy during recess, while Sasha paid for her own snacks at the counter. As Hiro was browsing, he overheard Sasha asking the cashier if she could purchase two sandwiches displayed near the counter.

"Can I have two of these, please?" Sasha requested from the cashier.

"Of course, no problem at all," the cashier responded, ringing up the sandwiches for her.

Sasha completed her purchase and left the store, while Hiro proceeded to the counter to pay for his snacks. As the cashier scanned the items that Hiro had selected, he suddenly spoke up.

"May I ask for your name and the name of the lady you were just speaking to?" the cashier asked, leaving Hiro puzzled.

"I'm Hiro Naito, and the lady I was speaking with is Sasha Green," Hiro introduced himself.

"Naito? Are you Akira's younger brother?" The cashier's jaw dropped in surprise upon realizing that he was conversing with a member of one of Varunton's most prominent families.

"Yes, that's correct," Hiro confirmed.

The cashier's excitement was evident as he exclaimed, "Wow, your family is the most famous family in our city!"

"Thank you, but may I ask why you're interested in our identities?" Hiro asked, curious about the cashier's sudden curiosity.

"I'm actually a huge fan of the superheroes in our city, so it's a pleasure to meet aspiring heroes like you and Sasha," the cashier explained, answering Hiro's question.

Hiro finally understood why the cashier was curious about their identities—he simply admired superheroes, like most nulls in Varunton.

"Don't get your hopes up, sir," Hiro replied, unsure of his own potential to become a superhero.

"Please, I have no doubt that both of you will become amazing superheroes someday. Just remember that I am one of your earliest fans," the cashier said, beaming at Hiro.

As Hiro walked towards the exit, the cashier added a final word: "And be careful out there. Your family was threatened by criminals."


Hiro Naito (Walking to School)

Hiro's anxiety returned as he replayed the cashier's words in his mind. 'It wasn't cruel, but he should have never said it,' Hiro thought to himself, unable to shake off the feeling of uneasiness.

He couldn't help but worry that those criminals might target him at any moment. What if they were already tracking him while he was at school? The mere thought sent a chill down his spine, and he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

While walking down the street, Hiro's vision suddenly became obstructed by a hand covering his eyes. Startled, he immediately tensed up, fearing that the criminals had found him.

Heroes' Odyssey: VaruntonWhere stories live. Discover now