The popular boy married the shy girl from school ( Yeonjun )

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Txt Yeonjun

Yeonjun and Y/N grew up in the same small town, but they never really interacted with each other until they both started attending the same high school. Yeonjun was a popular student who excelled in academics and sports, while Y/N was a shy and reserved student who preferred to keep to herself.

Despite their differences, Yeonjun couldn't help but notice Y/N. He found himself drawn to her quiet demeanor and her beautiful smile. He would often catch himself stealing glances at her during class and at lunch.

One day, Yeonjun finally gathered the courage to talk to Y/N. He approached her after class and struck up a conversation. To his surprise, Y/N was kind and friendly, and they soon became good friends.As they spent more time together, Yeonjun realized that he had developed feelings for Y/N.

He couldn't stop thinking about her and wanted to tell her how he felt. However, he was afraid of ruining their friendship, so he kept his feelings to himself.

Meanwhile, Y/N was also developing feelings for Yeonjun. She loved spending time with him and felt comfortable around him in a way she never felt with anyone else. She too was hesitant to express her feelings, afraid of being rejected.

Their feelings for each other continued to grow over the years, but neither of them made a move. They dated other people and went through their own personal struggles, but they always remained close friends.

One day, Yeonjun realized that he couldn't keep his feelings for Y/N bottled up any longer. He decided to take a chance and confess his love to her. Y/N was shocked but also happy to hear Yeonjun's confession.

She had been waiting for him to make a move for years.From that day on, Yeonjun and Y/N started dating and became the happiest they had ever been. They faced many challenges along the way, but they always supported each other and worked through their problems together.

After graduation, Yeonjun and Y/N decided to attend the same college and continue their relationship. They graduated together and landed their dream jobs in the same city. Years later, Yeonjun proposed to Y/N in the same spot where they first met, and she said yes. They got married and started a family, living happily ever after.

Looking back, Yeonjun couldn't believe that he almost missed out on the opportunity to be with the love of his life. He was grateful for taking that chance and for the incredible journey that led him to Y/N.

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