Protoman.EXE X Reader: War And Peace

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You were an oddity among NetNavis. Not in a bad way, simply put, you were...rather out of it most of the time. Often, on the outside, you were a little weary and disheartened, while on the inside, you were a sensitive mess that wished happiness on every sentient being. However, you were drawn a less than ideal hand when the Darkloids and other threats came into being.

Now, you have no choice but to fight, to injure, delete, and destroy. It truly hurts you, with every battle, and you know that you can't properly voice it. Your NetOp, on the other hand, shares your outlook on wishing others happiness. However, they never are able to convey their true intentions, and they often come off as...distant. Cold, even.

You are an abnormality in that your intense empathy isn't common in artificial beings. You weren't meant to have these wishes, and deep down, you know it. Amongst those in the Net, you were a fundamental outlier.

That only made your situation worse.

You began to tip your intentions away from your favor, and slowly put less importance on your life. As long as everyone else was happy, and everything turned out fine, your feelings didn't matter. Even if every encounter and battle tore you up inside even further.

You were currently in your NetOp's homepage, sifting through your digital closet of accessories. Unfortunately, this was one of the times where you were feeling rather insecure, so you were trying to appease that small part in your mind by dressing yourself up. Thankfully, you were designed with the perfect body to fit in any gendered clothing, meaning that you had a wider selection than most.

Of course in your mind, you were imagining yourself dressing up for a specific person, but even with that, you were worried that would make it worse.

After all, how could someone like him ever have feelings for someone like you, if he can feel those kinds of feelings at all? He was tailor made for his job, and he obviously didn't have the same abnormality you had. He and his NetOp were easily one of the best NetBattler duos alive. You and your NetOp hesitate at every turn.

Pulling a sweater and a pair of shorts out of the closet, as well as some knee high socks and sneakers, you quickly pulled them together on a digital mannequin to see the full design. The particular colors-your favorite, in fact-oddly worked well together.

While your NetOp was daydreaming about something, you couldn't place a guess on what after all that's happened, you quickly add the accessories to your form. With your characteristics, it looked...fitting. Honestly, you weren't expecting yourself to look like this. While you stared off into the full body mirror in the far corner of the homepage, you noticed your reflection begin to waver.

Your reflection's colors began to distort, and you saw your mirrored eyes glow a ominous, darker color than before. You recognized this phenomenon. Your Darkloid version, acquired just by being in close proximity to the dark chips you have the ability to cleanse, started back at you, not with malicious intent, but with concern.

After a few awkward seconds of silence, they spoke, their voice like corrupted records. "yOu'Re ThInKiNg AbOuT hIm, ArEn'T yOu?" They said, resting a discolored hand on the glass surface. "tHaT nEtNaVi, CoRrEcT?" You couldn't help but blush at the alter's accurate assumption. "Well...yes..." You shyly admitted, resting your hands on your shoulders. "...Protoman..." a thoughtful hum came from your reflection.

"dO yOu TrUlY tHiNk PlAyInG dReSs Up WiLl SoLvE yOuR pRoBlEmS?" They asked, dragging their hand down on the glass, the glowing eyes flashing. "yOu'Re UsInG a TeMpOrArY sOlUtIoN tO fIx A lInGeRiNg PrObLeM." Of course, they were right. As much as dressing up was your comfort hobby, using it as leverage to ignore what you feel will only make your problems worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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