Lan X Reader: Strawberry Sweethearts

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" Mmh...Mmmh! Oh, (N/n), you gotta try this! This is great! So sweet..." Lan said between mouthfuls of strawberry shortcake. You stifled your laughter at the adorable brunette before turning to the fresh cake in front of you. You and the rest of the gang were invited to a party via connection to Yai, and now you're somewhere where you didn't want to be.

Let's cut to the chase here. You are very introverted. Large social gatherings and things like that aren't your cup of tea, not by a unreasonably long distance. The only reason why you have friends is because Lan invited you into his friend group the first day of school. Because of that, you owe the airheaded Net savior more than he will ever know.

He passed you a slice of shortcake with that same optimistic smile on his face. You couldn't help but smile back, as his happiness was extremely contagious. You fumbled around with your party dress (It's a fancy dress party as per usual. Your wearing a standard party dress while Lan is in his usual attire) to hide the blush on your face. "Thanks, Lan. Why did Yai think it was a good idea to put me in a dress? I don't look as good as the other girls do in dresses..." You asked no one in particular.

Lan immediately stopped shoving cake into his mouth (which, if you've seen at least a few episodes of the anime, is very uncharacteristic.) and looked at you with surprise and confusion on his face. "What? (N/n), that's not true! You look really pretty! C'mon, have a bit more confidence in yourself, we've been over this!" He loudly said, causing you to slightly recoil.

You looked up at him, not noticing the newfound light in your eyes. "...You mean it...?" You asked, the blush on your face darkening slightly. "Of course I do! We're friends, right? Have some cake!" He answered, gesturing to the slice of cake he passed to you earlier. You giggled to yourself, grabbed a fork, and started eating. You could have sworn that Lan's presence alone made the cake taste sweeter.

"Hey, guys? I think (Y/n) and Lan are finally doing it." Dex said, staring at the two of you eating. The rest of the gang had been talking with each other and doing whatnot, and immediately turned their heads to look at the pair. "Oh, god, I hope so. Those two have so much repressed tension that it puts romance written by professionals to shame. Truly a better love story than Twilight." Yai snarked, scoffing at the absolute chaos your relationship with Lan brings. Maylu didn't mind, if anything she was just glad he was happy with you.

The two of you continued to eat together, enjoying each other's company. You didn't notice that Lan was blushing slightly. You see, he liked you a lot, more than he thought he would ever care for someone. During a fight, you were forced into physical combat by the enemy because they finally realized that you could just punch your opponent than just Netbattle the NetNavis into deletion. You only walked away with a few bruises because Lan intervened and was able to knock out a full grown adult with a single punch to the head.

Since that day, he noticed the warm feeling he he got whenever he was with you. He found you adorable whenever you shyly spoke or smiled. Whenever you became confident and overcame the challenge in front of you, he couldn't help but feel proud of you. You were an introvert, but to him, you were his friend who just needed a shoulder to lean on and a precious part of his life. Megaman caught on a while ago and tried to encourage him to confess to you, but he barely knows what these feelings are and how you would react. He could take down threats to reality itself with horrifying ease, yet when it came to you, he was just a small child with a crush.

He knew he had to make a move sooner or later, or else you might get a crush on someone else. The thought terrified him, but he just couldn't bring himself to confess. All he used to think about were food, fighting and friendship, but now you were the only thing on his mind. But, right now, just sitting with you and eating cake made him happy.

You look at the many rich people chatting away and drinking alcohol. They all looked alive in the moment, just being human beings at a party. You wished that you could be like that one day, just a human being and nothing else. But your introverted nature held you back. Lan saw you hopelessly staring at the masses. "Watcha lookin' at, (N/n)?" He asked, resting his elbow on the table and supporting his face casually. "...Nothing, I guess. I just wish I could be a bit more open..." You responded, looking away from the extroverted brunette.

"But I like you as you are. You don't have to force yourself to be more outward to people! Your so cute!" He absentmindedly responded. You felt your cheeks turn red as Lan rubbed your back. You attempted to process his words. You couldn't mentally accept praise, especially if it was from Lan. " think I'm cute...?" You asked, slightly trembling in disbelief. "Yeah! Especially when you smile! All you need to do is to have a bit more confidence in yourself and take it easy for once. I'll always be there if you need me!"

With that, he gently kissed the side of your face, causing your face to heat up even more. "And besides...I like you, no matter what..."
You were about to cry from the joy that welled up in your soul. You gently tackle hugged him and shoved your face into the crook of his neck.  "...I like you too. More than just a friend, I mean..." You whispered into his ear. He slowly stroked your (h/c) locks. "Same here. Let's stay together forever!" He smiled, relieved that you feel the same way.

Suddenly, the other table erupted in a collective "AAAAYYYYYY!" that the whole room heard. You both turned to see the gang cheering for your long awaited confession. "Are we really that popular a couple..?" You asked no one in particular, a bit embarrassed. " So what? If we're that popular a couple, than that means that we're perfect together! Come on, take it in stride!" Lan says, holding your hand. You can't help but smile back. He's your precious ray of sunshine in this world of yours.

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