Chaud x Reader: Decision (2)

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It's been a week since the traffic light incident. Hundreds, possibly thousands in DenTech City were killed or injured in the attack. You and Chaud are still shaken up about it, but he's forcing the grief down and actively tracking down the culprits.

You, however, are just an elementary school kid, so you have minimal input for this. It irks you, it really does, but you don't have a choice in the matter. You still had to go to school, and you still had to sit in class with everyone when Ms. Mariko had to talk about the same lesson you have been taught multiple times.

What kind of society needs even the children to know how to bust viruses in order to prevent the total loss of functioning?! How is this not a dystopian world?!

You sigh, slumping into your crossed arms on your assigned desk and slamming your face in the warm embrace of yourself. There were still a few hours in the school day, and god knows how long you could tolerate this.

But you found yourself able to saunter through the hours with slight efficiency on one this and one thing only.

Recordman and Delta were following through with the lesson, mainly because they knew they had to be your safety net because of your usual habits. They looked to each other and sighed, knowing damn well what you were thinking about.

You'd known Chaud for quite a while, ever since a certain brunette convinced you to join his gang out of being an extrovert that constantly adopts introverts. At first, he was a little harsh, backhanded insults and general mind screwing were constant, but over time he had become more mellow and understanding.

Of course, he never lost his core personality and always reminded you of certain anime rivals you adored when you were a younger child than you are now. You'd gotten closer to each other, he because you were the only person he found tolerable for a while, and you because he wasn't a loud extrovert. You were comfortable with each other, close, but not to close.

You may or may not have a small crush on him-

Actually, it's more likely than you thought...

Holy crap, you have a crush on him.


You nearly had a heart attack when you heard the school bell ring out in the classroom, signaling the end of the school day. "Alright, children, pack your things and head straight home! Stay safe!" Ms. Mariko said, with the class answering with a monotonous "Yes Ms. Mariiiiiiiii...." You, however, were silent.

You lived in the main gang's neighborhood, just a few blocks farther from their houses. Sometimes, Lan would ask (or rather, pull you with him.) you to walk with him and his friends. Today wasn't one of those days, not that you minded. You continued to walk to the park, aware that your teacher had told you that you should go straight home, but nobody really listened, and you had plenty of time to kill.

The park was bright and cheerful, a stark contrast to the people wandering the beautiful area. They were heavily affected by the incident, who wouldn't be after mass casualties and a likely threat to the country itself. You still had guilt plaguing you, too. You sat down on one of the benches, trying to calm your nerves with such gorgeous scenery.

Looking down at your feet, you sigh in pure mental anguish as you recall the events of the incident a week ago. Could you have stopped it? Could you have just prevented it from happening at all? You were the one with the runaway NetNavi in your PET, weren't you? Was the mass destruction your fault?

Suddenly, you heard soft footsteps approaching you. You were nervous to look up at stranger walking towards you. Your legs shook as the person stopped in front of you, the breeze swaying through the both of you. Finally, you look at the person in front of you, ocean blue eyes connecting with yours.

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