Megaman.EXE x Reader: Clearing Up Worries

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You hummed to yourself as you cleaned the homepage of your NetOp, carefully placing everything in its desired place and position. The (f/c) coloring of the walls looked a bit more appealing than usual, as you had cleaned them using backup cyber cleaner you had in the corner.

Many things had happened the day before, Your NetOp had gotten injured trying to fend off a cyber terrorist by themself without the help of Lan or the others in physical combat. You always tried to advise them not to actively endanger themself and just try to render the enemy helpless by deleting their NetNavi instead, and they just won't listen. Now you're all alone at home with nothing better to do than just clean.

Though, to be fair, you have been putting it off for awhile, with all the active danger everyone had been in recently. You just couldn't find time and it wasn't your priority. You still had half the page to go, much to your dismay, and you had promised your trusted friend and unfortunate crush Megaman that you'd hang out doing diddly squat for a while today.

Of course, that was before the whole 'injured NetOp' thing.

You cursed yourself for ignoring such a mundane yet necessary task when you suddenly heard the portal to and from the homepage let someone in. You turned your head to the portal to see the only person in the Net to make you feel things. His cobalt body formed into a solid mass onto the platform, those comforting green eyes scanning the half cleaned homepage.

"(Y/n)? Have you been cleaning up this whole time? I thought you were-" He cut himself off, before continuing to speak, "Do you need any help here? It's the least that I can do since what happened yesterday..." Megaman suggested, clearly worried about you. You smiled, hoping to reassure him. "It's fine, Mega. It's not your problem to deal with." You responded, you saw it as unfair that he had to pay for your mistake.

Megaman looked at you with a disapproving look, the kind of look he'd give to Lan after doing something idiotic. "(Y/n), how long have you been cleaning up?" He said with a disappointed motherly tone. You checked the internal clock of the computer, only to find out that you had gone through this for 3 and a half hours.

He must've read the look on your face, as he sighed and started to help clean the homepage. You sighed yourself and continued to organize everything.

After what had to be half an hour, everything was done. You admired the combined work of you and Megaman as he walked up to you. You noted how diligently he cleaned the place. That was another thing added to your list of things to like about the blue bomber.

"Thanks, Mega. I really appreciate the help. I wasn't expecting to spend 4 hours on this..." You laughed at your own stupidity for a few moments before turning his way again. "Anyway, why did you come here? I know we promised to hang out, but I wasn't expecting our meeting place to be here of all places."

He then proceeded to do something very uncharacteristic. He rubbed the back of his head, a light blush spreading on his very adorable cheeks before responding. "I was just worried about you, ya know? With (N/n) getting hurt and all, I just wanted to check in on you." Deep concern appeared on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked, gently taking your hand in his.

"I am, but not as I really should be..." You said, tears beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes. "I'm really worried about know?" Megaman smiled sympathetically, grabbing your other hand. "Yeah...I know." He said, tightening the grip on your hands.

"All the people I care about keep getting hurt!" You heard yourself say, tears sliding down your (s/t) face. "My friends keep trying to protect everyone and get hurt in the process! Will there be any worth in protecting everyone if we can't even protect ourselves?!" You shoved your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist.

He immediately wrapped an arm around your waist, with his other one cupping your cheek in his hand. "(Y/n), look at me." With his words, you looked up into his jade green eyes with your watery (e/c) ones. "I know people are getting hurt. I know that we're suffering because of the constant threats. I know exactly how you feel."

He paused for a moment, slightly bringing you closer to him. "But I swear to you that this will all be worth it. I promise you once this is all over, everything will be fine. Lan and I might throw ourselves out there and get a few beatings, but I'll always make sure to get through it to see you again."

Megaman slightly bit his lip, knowing what he just said. You were a bit shocked, as you never thought that he'd ever say those words to you. " you really mean that...?" You asked, words unable to come out of your mouth.

"...Yeah. Yes, of course I do..!" He said, sticking to his decision. "Because...I want to stay by your side! Your really important to me and being your friend means more to me than you'll ever know...!" It seemed as if Megaman himself wasn't believing what he was saying. His flustered face was adorable, but he truly stuck to his words.

"I...I love you..." He finally muttered, affirming to you his true feelings. You began to feel the tears in your eyes become tears of joy. "I love you too...Mega..." You responded, shoving your face into his chest again. He pulled you closer, gently kissing your forehead. "Always and forever, okay? So clean those worries away." He whispered into your ear. For this moment, you were in bliss, you wanted this moment to last forever.

The entire time this was happening, Lan was watching the two of you have your moment. He silently fangirled to himself and was proud of his best friend for finally confessing to you. He called your NetOp in the hospital and told them what happened. Your NetOp now owes Lan 3000 zenny.

So, how is it for my first one shot? It's not my best, but I'm kinda proud of it!

(It's now one year later, and it's definitely much worse quality than my current writings, holy stars)

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