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I cup her face and turn her face towards me, "What's wrong?"

She hesitantly let's out, "I'm scared that once we leave this safe bubble, everything would change." She pouts.

I place a gentle kiss on her lips, "Only for the better, I promise."

She looks at me, and I can see the trust in her eyes, nodding her head. She lifts up, pecking my lips.

Matteo interrupts us, "Ant, all done." We both turn to look at him and burst out laughing. Somehow he made a bigger mess when we weren't looking and he got oatmeal all in his hair.

Anna coos at him as she wipes his face with a paper towel, "such a big boy."

"I'm going to give him a quick bath, then we can head out." Picking him up off his high chair.

He whines and pouts, "No baff."

"Yes, bath." I tickle his sides and he squirms in my arms with laughter.

I order breakfast on my phone to be delivered to the penthouse as we step into the hall. My mom stops us at the front door, "I expect all 3 of you to attend dinner on Friday night." She says from the top of the staircase.

Anna flushes red from beside me, "We'll be there."

"Good." My mom smiles at Anna. Then she looks at me, "Don't think you'll get away with this son. I did say I was going to kick your ass when I found out who the father was."

Anna tries to stifle her laughter beside me as I open my mouth in shock, whining, "But mom."

She holds her hand up, "No buts. You deserve it."

I sigh and grumble, "Fine."

"See you Friday!"

Anna watched from the passenger seat as I buckled Matteo in his car seat. I get into the driver seat as she asks, "When did you get him a car seat?"

I smile proudly, "After the first night I met him."

She smiles back at me, "You're the best, you know that."

I take her hand in mine, lifting up to my face. I kiss the back of her hand. I held her hand the rest of the drive home.

"What's this?" Anna points down at the bag in front of her door.

"I got you breakfast." I stated simply.

"I... you didn't have to."

I grab neck, lean down, and kiss her. "Let me take care of you." I say softly against her lips.

She nods her head as her cheeks turn red.

Once we're in her penthouse. I look around at how bright and homey it feels in here compared to my dark apartment.

With Matteo in my arms, I look at him, "Let's go play so your mama can eat."

He cheers.

"You're not going to eat breakfast?"

I smirk at her, "I'll eat later. Enjoy your breakfast and do what you need to do. I'll keep him company until he needs to nap."

I walk up the staircase and into his bedroom. His toys all neatly tucked away.

I set him down, "What should we play with?"

He runs over to his bin of toys, pulling out everything one by one.

A little over an hour passes as he gets sleepy in my arms. I gently maneuver him onto his bed and he's out. I quietly click the door shut and make my way down the hallway.

My Fate : Single Mom, Second Chance RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now