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Izuku knew he needed to recuperate after his harrowing confrontation with Sir Nighteye; the broken bones that riddled his body rendered him incapable of fighting at full strength. Over a month had passed since that brutal encounter, and his patience had been rewarded with the perfect opportunity. The news informed him of the League of Villains' assault on Hosu, and Izuku resolved not to let this chance go to waste. He painstakingly readied his weapons, straddled his powerful motorcycle, and roared off into the night, hell-bent on joining the fray in Hosu.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally arrived at the besieged city, only to find it drowning in pandemonium. The acrid scent of smoke and the distant screams of the injured filled the air as the news had portrayed. Heroes fought with every ounce of their strength but were ultimately outmatched by the nightmarish Nomus. Izuku couldn't help but sigh in frustration; were they really this powerless?

As a monstrous, black Nomu hurled the battered heroes like discarded toys, Izuku seized the moment to strike. In the chaos, he stalked forward, his movements swift and lethal as he mercilessly dispatched the remaining heroes. The Nomu's beady, malicious eyes locked onto Izuku, but he was too slow to react. Izuku's agility won out, his razor-sharp sword slicing through the Nomu's flesh like butter, reducing the beast to a heap of lifeless chunks.

The scent of blood and smoke hung heavy in the air as Izuku stood triumphant amid the carnage, his sword glinting ominously in the dim light. The fallen heroes and dismembered Nomu bore testament to the unforgiving path he had chosen, the trail of destruction he had left in his wake only growing by the day.


Izuku navigated the devastated city with unyielding determination, systematically executing every hero who crossed his path. When he confronted another Nomu, the outcome was all but guaranteed; with a swift, deadly arc of his blade, he separated the creature's head from its body. Unrelenting, Izuku continued his merciless rampage, scouring the city for his following targets.

His search eventually led him to a group of heroes huddled together in a defensive circle. Sensing an opportunity, Izuku silently scaled a nearby building, positioning himself on a rooftop to survey the scene below. To his surprise, he saw they had successfully captured the infamous Stain. Among the heroes, Izuku recognised three UA students: Tenya Iida, the younger brother of Ingenium; Shoto Todoroki, the son of the fearsome Endeavor; and Shi Subara, the triumphant victor of the UA Sports Festival. Each of them, however, bore the marks of battle, their injuries evidence of a brutal fight.

Izuku knew he had to act swiftly. He descended from his perch like a deadly wraith, his movements as swift and silent as the wind. He snatched Stain from the heroes' grasp and expertly sliced through his bindings. Panic rippled through the heroes like a tidal wave, their breaths catching in their throats as Izuku's menacing voice echoed around them.

"You're getting old, Stain. Can't believe you let yourself be captured," Izuku sneered.

Stain's eyes widened in recognition as he stared at his unexpected saviour. "The hell? Oh, it's you... I guess you could say I'm a bit rusty..."

The tension in the air thickened, nearly suffocating the heroes as Izuku's mere presence radiated a sinister aura of terror. It was as if an ominous shadow had descended upon the battlefield, the chilling grip of fear wrapping around their hearts like an icy vice.

Shi's eyes widened in terror, the cold grip of fear squeezing her heart. Her voice trembled as she whispered, "T-that... That is..."

Shoto's breath hitched, the words catching in his throat as he stammered, "I-it's... It's h-him..."

Tenya's face contorted with disbelief, unable to fully comprehend the horrifying scene before them. "It-it can't be..."

Gran Torino's gruff voice, seasoned with experience and determination, cut through the tense atmosphere. "The phantom killer! Stay back, kids!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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The Vengeful One (Killer! Deku Fanfic) Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now