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Izuku moved stealthily through the night, leaping from one building to another with silent grace. The heroes had increased their patrols, their vigilant eyes scouring the shadows for any sign of him. Since the attack on Shiketsu, Izuku had eliminated three more pro heroes and dismantled a notorious gang in Musutafu. But, despite his efforts to gather intel on the League of Villains that had targeted UA, progress had been frustratingly slow.

As he continued to navigate the darkness, a sudden flurry of bubbles filled the air, enveloping his face. Izuku's eyes widened in surprise as he thought, 'What the hell?'

Centipede-like tentacles whipped through the air the next moment, attempting to ensnare him. Izuku narrowly dodged the majority, even as the bubbles obstructed his vision and one stung his eye. One tentacle, however, struck him with force, sending him crashing to the ground below.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku struggled, only to spot a blonde-haired boy charging toward him. Sensing hostility, he prepared a knife, but as the youth vanished into the ground and reappeared before him, Izuku's blade and hand passed through him as if he were a phantom. The boy's fist connected with a powerful punch, sending Izuku reeling back. As he was flung through the air, Izuku could have sworn he heard the attacker shout, "power."

Landing hard on the ground, Izuku was ensnared by the same tentacles that had struck him earlier. They coiled around him, constricting his movements and making escape seem impossible.

Sir Nighteye appeared before him, flanked by Mirio, Bubble Girl, and Centipeder. With a stern expression, Sir Nighteye declared, "Looks like we've caught you, Vendetta."

Izuku glared up at the imposing figure, his breathing laboured from the crushing grip of the tentacles.

"You're going to face justice for everything you've done," Sir Nighteye continued, his voice cold and unyielding. "Now, what do you think of my agency's teamwork?"

Izuku managed a strained reply: "Annoying."

Unbeknownst to the heroes, Izuku had retrieved a small bomb. He threw it towards them, and it was too late by the time they realised what was happening. The explosion ripped through the night, tearing Centipeder's arms off in a gore spray.

Sir Nighteye's eyes widened in shock, but Izuku was already on the move. First, he drew his sword and darted through the smoke, appearing before Centipeder. Then, with a swift, brutal stroke, he decapitated the hero, the sound of steel slicing through flesh echoing in the darkness.

"Bubble Girl, call for reinforcements!" Sir Nighteye barked, his voice edged with desperation.

But as Bubble Girl reached for her communicator, a gunshot rang out, and her lifeless body crumpled to the ground, a bullet wound in her forehead.

Mirio's eyes burned with fury as he stared at Vendetta. "You're going to pay!" he snarled, his voice trembling with rage.

The air crackled with tension as the surviving heroes and the deadly vigilante faced off, the scent of blood and smoke mingling around them.

Mirio charged at Izuku, his body flickering in and out of tangibility as he fully utilised his quirk. He was a formidable fighter, and the mastery of his quirk left Izuku struggling to defend himself. Blow after blow rained down upon Izuku, each strike jarring his bones and leaving bruises. Sweat poured down his face as he desperately sought an opening.

Amid the relentless onslaught, Izuku realised that Mirio couldn't maintain his intangible state throughout his entire body, or he would simply phase through the ground. That meant there must be a point of contact—his feet. In a split second, Izuku seized the opportunity. As Mirio lunged forward, Izuku drew his gun and fired at one of Mirio's feet.

The Vengeful One (Killer! Deku Fanfic) Rewritten VersionWhere stories live. Discover now