"Please, Rain..." My vision went blurry but I could see how Phayu's eyes pleaded, his voice seem to panic as he placed his right hand on my cheek.

"How can I trust you... when I don't even know anything?" I almost whispered and silence filled the room.

I took a deep breath before attempting to pull my hand away from Phayu, I need to leave this room. I don't want to be in the same room as him, it hurts me even more.

"Let go--" I stopped when Phayu suddenly got on his knees, now holding both of my hands with his.

"I'll do anything... just please..."

I hate this. I hate seeing Phayu helpless like this. It makes my heart ache and compels me to just let everything go.

But no. I have to stay firm. I want the truth and I want it to come from his lips.

"Tell me everything. From what you've been doing outside these walls to how you knew my father, all of it."

Phayu raised his head and the moment our eyes met, I saw how his eyes looked even more troubled than before. I hoped he would say anything but nothing. He said nothing.

"That's what I thought." I whispered in dismay as I pulled my hands away from him.

I felt my body weak but I need to leave. The reason I wanted to talk to him here was so that I can go leave to my room when things go south like it has now.

"You can't leave this place without my permission." I heard him say, more like warned, from behind but it didn't stop me from walking out the door.


I knew from the get go that I can't just leave this place. As expected, the number of guards increased abnormally and what's more troubling is how they don't bother hiding from me anymore unlike in the past days. Seems like Phayu's serious about keeping me in here, whether I like it or not.

If I can't leave here by force, I have to make a reason to leave this place. A situation that even he can't do anything but to let me go.

"Sir Rain, you haven't had breakfast and you didn't even touch your lunch." I heard Sig say as I laid on my side, my back facing him.

"Not hungry." I answered dryly as I closed my eyes.

With much brainstorming, this is the best idea I could come up with. Hunger strike.

Hurting myself actually crossed my mind but that would be too messy. Also, I hate getting physically hurt and it won't mean that Phayu will let me go. He might call in doctors to the mansion just to treat me and the security might be elevated. It would be tiresome and worthless.

However, starving myself would surely make Phayu worry, if he truly cares about me that is. Also, they can't force me to eat and no one here would dare to touch me.


Evening came rather slow and I felt my stomach grumble in hunger. I have to get through this or else I'd be locked up here forever, not even knowing anything about Phayu.

"Sir Rain, please eat already. The young master is beginning to get worried." I heard Sig say as I felt him shake me by the arm.

"I said I'm not hungry." I insisted, my eyes closed shut.

"Sir Rain, please-- m-master." I heard Sig call out making my eyes flap open.

"What's going on?" I heard him ask from the door, it's about time he came to visit me.

I slowly got up and looked at him dead in the eyes, watching him as he walked towards my bedside. He glanced at the tray of food placed on the bedside cabinet before shifting his eyes to me. Phayu then got the tray before sitting by my side, placing the tray on his lap and taking the spoon to mix the porridge. He then got a spoonful and placed the spoon in front of my lips in an attempt to feed me.

STANDARD 100: THE MAFIA HEIR |BossNoeul|Where stories live. Discover now