Satoru x Reader

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Thanks @snailpee for the request you wonderful person

The evening was nice and cool after a warm day, the soft breeze cooling off my exposed neck and sending chills down my body. A small smile rested on my lips at the wonderful view of the streetlights starting to turn on and the purple dusk casting everything in a soft hue. Before long, if I was lucky, the stars would come out just enough for me to count them. The perfect ending to a wonderful day.

Walking along the sidewalk and staring up at the beautiful sky, I didn't notice the person I was about to run into before it was too late. My feet clumsily tripped over themselves as I frantically tried to push myself away from the person only for me to fall over. Before I hit the ground though, arms wrapped around me securely to save me from a harsh bruise. Relief washed through me as the strong hands righted me back onto my feet, my legs shaking at the surprise.

"You should be more careful. That fall could've been bad," a soft voice called out. My head swiveled towards the familiar voice to find Satoru smiling warmly at me, his hands still on my waist. I couldn't be happier to run into someone now knowing it was him. If I hadn't been clumsy, I might've walked right past him without knowing it. At least now I had him close to me and got to see his smile.

"Satoru! Thanks so much! I was a bit preoccupied with the sky, I guess I wasn't focused enough," I admitted a bit bashfully. This wasn't the first time I was distracted by things I considered to be pretty. I was no better than an owl with a shiny new pebble, lured in by the sparkle. That seemed to also happen with Satoru, the thought of it explaining why I didn't want him to let me go. He was also a beautiful, shimmery person I wanted to keep in my hold.

His smile widened as if he could hear my thoughts before he must've realized he was still touching me. He slowly let me go, seeming to not want to pull away, his face covered in a deep blush that made my own body warm up. It wasn't fair that everything he did made me a mess. Even now, I felt myself sway on my trembling legs just from the soft gaze he looked at me with. I was absolutely weak when it came to him.

"You're always so distracted. Perhaps it'd be safer if I walked you home," Satoru offered warmly. I perked up a bit too eagerly, my hands clasping his to hold between us happily. With the beautiful light of the sky, the eventual stars and Satoru, this picture I'm painting in my head would be complete. It would be pure happiness in its truest form that would make me swoon and sigh. It would become a memory that I could draw strength from later on.

"That'd be amazing! Would you please?" I smiled cheerily. Satoru let out a chuckle that did little to distract from his bright blush before he looped his arm with mine to guide me down the street. Leaning against him, I savored the contact and the way he willingly leaned back. Even if we haven't properly confessed to each other, I couldn't help but feel like this was it in a way. Not wanting to assume though in case I was wrong, I brushed the idea away quickly even as it lingered in my head.

Minutes passed by as we walked down a couple blocks in comfortable silence, occasionally pushing closer to each other till I rested my head on his shoulder in comfort. Satoru didn't even tense up, completely at ease with our contact. When I glanced his way, I stifled a laugh at the sight of his glasses fogging up near the edges. His blush hadn't faded even the tiniest bit this entire time and I could only hope it was because of me.

"You're not hiding it very well," I smirked at him teasingly. His eyes widened and his blush darkened even more, looking like a child being caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar. There was no lying when he was so open in his expressions. It made me grin even further, loving the way he stammered a bit before having to clear his throat and start again.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," he muttered back, eyes averting everywhere but my eyes. With a single movement, I gently wiped my finger along the steamed up surface of his glasses. He pouted back at me, stopping his pace to remove his glasses and clean them against his shirt. He didn't even bother putting them back on, probably knowing that they'd only steam up again. When he looked at me again, there was a silent argument he seemed to be having with himself.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked quietly, hovering close to him. His stare was intense now as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist to pull me against him once more. He leaned in close to me, causing me to freeze up in my flustered state. When he pressed a kiss to my lips, my eyes shut in immediate bliss to return the gesture that I've been waiting so long to feel. And it felt great.

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