Michael Afton x Reader

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Lights pulsated from the house at the end of the dark street with loud music blasting. It was a beacon to teens everywhere in the town with promises of hangovers, highs and a helluva good time if you managed to catch the eyes of another hormone driven teen. It was pretty much the last place you'd find me if it wasn't for Michael.

A friend of ours gave me a heads up that Michael had gotten into it with his father again and was looking for a way to blow off steam. This seemed the perfect party to do that at but I had to stop him before he made a decision that would either lead to his ass getting kicked or my jealousy spiraling if he managed to hook up with any of the desperate primadonnas just looking for an excuse to start something.

My eye twitched at the idea but I managed to stuff my feelings deep down as I ran through the front door, past a few drunken light weights lingering on the front lawn as they mumbled to themselves. Sadly, none of them were the boy I was looking for.

The lights and sounds only grew as I stepped across the teen ridden threshold. The foyer was full of bodies rubbing against each other, people grinding against strangers without a care in the world as everyone belted out the lyrics of some classic rave song that I didn't recognize. Making sure to stay clear of the massive storm of people in the middle, I stuck to the outskirts of the room as I searched for Michael.

Heads bobbed and drinks spilled as my heart pulsed quickly. There were too many lights and yet it was still too dark to properly make out anyone's face. It seemed to be the purpose though and probably the only reason most people didn't care who they were grinding on or making out with on the dance floor. You wouldn't be able to tell who it was which made rumors easier to spread but harder to prove. It was making my stomach tumble.

"What's a good boy like you doing around here?" a voice yelled into my ear. I spun around quickly, a large smile spreading across my face at the sight of Michael without any lipstick smears or hickies. I didn't even mind the red cup in his hand that most likely didn't hold apple juice. Without thinking too much, I flung my arms around him, pulling him against me.

"I was looking for you! I heard you got into it with your father and I didn't want you to get into any trouble," I shouted over the loud music, my lips accidentally brushing his ear in the process. A single hand gripped my waist as I shivered, Michael's hand slowly sliding along my body in rhythm to the music as he sent me a lopsided smirk.

"You're so pretty when you care. Makes me wanna take you all for myself," he yelled out, voice just loud enough for me to hear. My face blossomed with heat as my arms slackened in flustered surprise. Michael gave me a wink before downing whatever was in his cup, throwing the leftover plastic along the dance floor. His hands instantly found my waist as his attention zeroed in on me. I couldn't lie and say I didn't love the dark look in his eyes when he pulled me chest to chest with him. When his hands started to wander, I let them, shivering as his warm fingers slid up my shirt to gently trace my lower back.

"I'm gonna show you how to really party," Michael hissed into my ear before gripping my wrist, spinning me around once before he dragged me through the crowd of people. I didn't even have a chance to question him as he led me throughout the house until we ended up in the kitchen where all kinds of sins took place.

Michael practically glided across the floor, past other teens in drunken stupors and incredible highs, right to the counter where an assortment of liquors and alcohol waited patiently to be guzzled. My eyes didn't stray from Michael's hands as they reached out for another red cup before he began pouring a mix of all kinds of troubling liquids. I stepped behind him, resting my head on his shoulder as I watched a bit uneasily.

"Here you go pretty boy, party in a cup," Michael smirked, holding the cup over his shoulder for me to grab. I wasn't much of a drinker, especially when I came here to keep Michael from doing something stupid. I didn't need to keep myself from causing my own kind of trouble as well. But there was something enticing in the way Michael was staring at me with a silent challenge in his bright eyes.

"You're ridiculous if you think I'm going to drink that whole thing," I proclaimed. Michael chuckled darkly, chills moving down my body at the sound. His stare turned intense as he lifted the cup to his lips. Without breaking eye contact, he began to chug the sinful contents. I watched in a trance as his jaw twitched with each gulp.

When he finished his portion, he wiped his lips in victory before tilting the cup to my own mouth. My hands came up to take it but they were instantly smacked away as Michael's smirk deepened. My face began to warm as his hand not holding the cup moved to cup my jaw before he tilted my head back.

Willingly complying, I let Michael put the plastic cup to my lips as he spilled the alcohol into my mouth. The drink was strong as it washed over my tongue, leaving a burning sensation along my taste buds. My eyes scrunched shut as Michael laughed softly, pulling the cup away before he set it on the countertop.

After a second of swallowing the horrible bitterness, I tilted my face towards Michael to find him staring at me with intensity. Before I could ask why he was watching me like that, he leaned in. His face hovered in front of mine, close enough that I could feel his alcohol tainted breath fanning across my lips.

Both of his hands now gently held my jaw, his fingers tracing down my neck teasingly as he slowly turned us. In the span of a second, I found myself pressed between the counter and Michael's hips, his lips brushing over mine.

"So damn beautiful," Michael muttered before pushing himself against me, his mouth crashing into mine hungrily. Immediately light headed, I latched onto his shoulders in a frantic need for contact. His lips were suffocating and coated in bittersweetness that I could taste when his tongue dragged across my lip.

Messy and desperate, we rocked in a needy rhythm that had us both groaning and humming together. The music from earlier was drowned out by the sound of my pulse throbbing in my ears as Michael's hands slid down my body, taking time to trace every outline of my figure. His hands slid up under my shirt, sliding over my stomach and occasionally fiddling with the hem of my jeans. My own fingers were entwined in his hair, keeping him close as if he'd disappear if I didn't hold him tight. With the dreaminess of it all, he just might.

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