Eddie Munson x Reader

210 3 3

Stranger Things

"That's bullshit, the one with the glaze was better." Seriously who does this asshole think he was? Who the fuck thinks chocolate is better?

"No, now that's bullshit. Glaze is the most bland flavor you can pick," the guy beside me retorted, throwing a pointed look my way. It was then my elbow happened to jab his side by pure coincidence. He curled inward at the hit, a fake stumble here and there with the look of an absolute liar.

"You practically called me boring, that's what you get asshole," I chuckled. His antics were pretty endearing no matter how horrible of a taste he had. I rolled my eyes at his mock 'I've taken offense' face as I continued to walk on. He fell in step by my side like I knew he would. Especially lately he didn't seem to leave me alone for a moment.

"What if you are boring? Then I'm just right." Another jab to his side, this time he managed to dodge it. I raised a single finger at him, my attention stuck to the road ahead of me. It seemed to be an unspoken habit where I ended up walking this way after my work shift was over and Eddie would happen to be nearby to walk with me. 'By chance' he said each time.

"I'm not boring, you just aren't cool enough to be entertained by my presence," I shot back with a point of accusation in his direction. He raised his hands up in defeat at my figurative loaded gun, his laughter being horribly disguised as coughing. I only frowned at his childishness knowing that he would take anything I did and spin off new insults from it. Too bad I was stubborn as hell and not backing down anytime soon.

"I don't even know why I hang out with you," I mumbled, digging my hands deep into the pockets of my coat. That, of course, was a complete lie. Eddie strided back to meet my side, our arms brushing against each other making me flinch. He laid his head on my shoulder as I came to an abrupt halt, his stare teasing.

"It's because I'm fun," he whispered. Heat rushed to my face with sirens wailing in my mind. "And you think I'm cute." I ended up doubled over choking on air and the audacity of this guy. He took a step back with the biggest smirk plastered on his face as if he won a bet. My lungs constricted painfully at the prospect of breathing and the unfortunate fact that he was, indeed, cute.

When I finally pulled myself together I could only stare at Eddie wondering if I imagined his sneaky comment but the sly smile was still there. With no other way to continue a conversation without it being awkward I turned back to the road and picked up a slightly quicker pace in hopes of getting home faster. The close steps behind me signaled Eddie was not going to leave me alone.

"Why are you walking so fast?" he called out directly behind me, as if he had no fucking clue. I hunched over sulkily, hoping he'd eventually get the hint I didn't want to talk. A harsh pressure on my heel knocked off my shoe and sent my foot to step on the dirty asphalt of the street. I whirled around no longer amused with his little antics.

"Flat tiring is so fucking low," I growled out in a huff while trying to fit my foot back into my lost shoe. Sharp laughter made my ears burn, my strong desire to run becoming almost too much.

"Why're you trying to leave so quickly? Was it because of what I said?" Eddie mockingly pouted. I managed to wriggle my shoe back on with lots of discomfort from being stared at by this guy. His words weren't making me feel any less awkward and a part of me felt panicked.

"God damn it Eddie! Yes it's because of what you said but it's also how you act around me and how I feel about all of this," I gestured vaguely to the space between us. "You can't just go around saying shit like that." A pause. "Even if it's true," I mumbled shakily. I didn't hesitate to turn away from him and march along the road once again if it meant I didn't have to meet his stare.

However, this time there were no footsteps to accompany me. A quiet shudder traveled down my body from the panic of what I had just said straight to his face. I guess I wasn't as sly as I had hoped whenever I stared too long or flinched whenever he touched me. Maybe it was about time I paid for each stolen glance I spent on him.

My eyes flicked up at the sound of a car approaching, my pace slowing down as I moved to the very side of the road so they could pass. Then, from one moment to the next, I found myself tumbling to the ground and down the slight embankment beside the roadway, my arms and legs tangling with someone else's.

My sides bruised as rocks dug in painfully till I landed on my back with a loud groan. Spots danced across my vision as my slow brain tried to process if I was hit by a car. The feeling of arms wrapping around my body told me it was someone else that had tackled me.

"Okay, what the actual fuck is your proble—?" My growl was cut off as lips captured mine, my head turning fuzzy instantly as my eyes shot open in shock. Eddie pressed against me, keeping me caged to the ground in a gentle hold that contrasted with the way he had launched us down this hill.

Despite my strong will trying to push him away, I found my eyes slowly closing and my hands reaching up to tangle in his hair. I've been denied this so long, I was starting to not care if someone stumbled across us or if Eddie realized that he was kissing a guy and forced us apart because right now he held me like I was the only person in the world that mattered.

"You're my fucking problem, y/n, so fuck you," he whispered against my lips before pushing back to me. I hummed pleasantly, needing him closer and closer with my hands urging him to keep me in his hold. He didn't seem to mind the silent request if his soft groaning was any indication. Screw you Eddie.

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