Extra 1: Visiting Ma and Pa

Start from the beginning

Pa was amazed to hear what Lu Hao and Hong Sheng had helped achieve. A small part of Lu Hao was fulfilled to see it. His entire adult life had been without his parents, and now, he could finally share his accomplishments with them. He'd been quite arrogant as a child, always believing he'd change the world and do great things, and part of that had come from his parents' unwavering confidence in him.

Now he could let them know that they had reason to be proud of him and Hong Sheng.

It was after they'd gone through the new events in their lives that Ma suddenly looked at Lu Hao with a smile. It was an unfamiliar kind of smile, with an intention that Lu Hao had never seen before—after all, he'd always had a girlfriend in the past.

But once Ma hit Lu Hao with the dreaded question, "So, Little Hao, when are you going to get married?" he understood.

Lu Hao fell into an awkward silence.

Beside him, Hong Sheng paused in nibbling his pastry and turned his eyes on Lu Hao.

"...Ma, Pa." Lu Hao reached up and fit his hand over Hong Sheng's. "Hong Sheng and I are in a relationship."

Under the prolonged silence that followed, Hong Sheng slowly set down his half-eaten pastry.

Ma's face hadn't changed in expression, though her smile had become a bit more inscrutable. Pa, on the other hand, made a small 'ah' sound.

"I see. Well, I had always thought... No, never mind. As long as you two are happy, your Pa will be happy." Pa gave them a very gentle look, his pale eyes curving in a soft smile. He looked a bit wistful, with some thoughts and, perhaps, old wishes held back from being said. But he was sincere, and Lu Hao was grateful for that.

"Thank you, Pa."

"Lu Hao, Little Sheng. How long have you two been together?" Ma finally spoke. She was still smiling, but she turned the force of her inquisition on Lu Hao. "You've never mentioned this to me before."

An intuitive sense of being in trouble kept Lu Hao from answering immediately. It was Hong Sheng who spoke up instead, "We got together seven years ago. I... I asked Lu Hao to keep it a secret."

"Little Sheng." Ma reached out to take Hong Sheng's other hand. She shook it affectionately with a helpless look. "You've always been a part of the family. I'm happy for you to be my son-in-law. But for Lu Hao... he... this boy..."

Afraid of her saying anything that would hurt Hong Sheng, Lu Hao cut in, "Ma, I know it might not be what you expected, but—"

He didn't expect Ma to outright ignore him. "...I'm worried that he won't treat you well. You've seen how he is. So fickle, always thinking he knows what's best. If he ever makes you angry, just let Ma know, okay? Ma will teach him a lesson for you."

"That's right," Pa suddenly joined in. He turned to Lu Hao with a worried look. "Little Hao, when you're in a serious relationship, you can't be how you were before. Think of how your Pa always treats your Ma. Little Sheng is such a good boy. You have to treasure him well."

"..." Lu Hao was speechless. At his side, Hong Sheng nodded seriously along with what Ma was saying.

Okay, fine.

Lu Hao was the one who was a bad match for Hong Sheng. He accepted it!

After that, Ma ushered Lu Hao out so that she could speak with Hong Sheng privately.

Sent out into the cold, Lu Hao stared up at the cloudy blue sky and wondered just how in the world things had gone this way.

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