✎Chapter 6 - Kyle's House

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The camping trip had been a great adventure for you. You grew closer to all the boys as you continued to see every morning before school. 

You and Kyle had AP World History together and sat next to one another. The two of you had started walking to class together. You enjoyed it, Kyle was always kind and helped you with any school work you were having trouble with. 

Everyone in the class was settling down when the teacher walked in and began speaking to the class. "Good evening everyone! So I've decided that we are going to be doing a project this week!" Groans were heard across the class from upset students.

"Don't worry! I will let you work with a partner of your choosing. There won't be any time to work in class, so please find time outside of school to finish this." The teacher finished. Kyle's eyes flicked to you and you nodded to him. 

After class had ended you and Kyle walked outside the building. "So we have to do a presentation on a religion... Any ideas?" You asked him. 

"Hmm. I'm not sure. If your free we could go to my house and work on it?" He asked, his face turning a light pink. 

"Yeah sure! I'll just text my brother to let him know where I'll be." You smiled and pulled out your phone. 

(Y/N): im going to kyle's house to work on a project ill be home later

Leo: alone with a boy? you better behave urself

You rolled your eyes at your phone, Leo was always worried when it came to you and boys. 

(Y/N): okay sure whatever dAd

You chuckled at yourself before spotting Kenny staring at you. He began to walk over to where you and Kyle were chatting. 

"Hey (Y/N). Wanna come over to my place and smoke?" Kenny asked you, ignoring Kyle's presence. 

"Oh I totally would but me and Kyle are going to his house to work on a project. We can hang out another day!" You let him know before trailing off to Kyle's house, leaving Kenny where he was standing. 

He simply watched as you faded from his view, feeling his jaw clench up. Kenny shoved his hands in his jacket and began walking to his own house, alone. 

Kyle let you into his home, and as soon as you entered you saw a larger woman sitting on the couch with fiery red hair like Kyle's. 

"Oh hello Bubbie! Who's this young lady?" She asked standing up to greet the two of you. You smiled at the woman, this must be his mom. 

"Oh yeah, this is (Y/N), she's in one of my classes. We are going to go work on a project in my room." Kyle said, his face blushing from the embarrassing nickname. 

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Broflovski!" you smile to her before following Kyle upstairs to his room. 

You entered the room and looked around for a moment. The room was very neat, as expected of the top student. On his shelves you looked to see lots of trophies for various things. Mathletics, baseball and something called Sarcastaball...? 

"Nice room" you told him before flopping yourself onto his bed. Kyle took a seat at his desk and got out his school laptop. You groaned and pulled out your own, not excited to have to do a project, even if you got to do it with a partner. 

"Okay... Religion. What if we did like, Judaism? It's pretty popular and there's a lot of information about it." You suggested, and Kyle gave you a weird look. 

"You... you know I'm Jewish right?" He said, pointing to his Star of David necklace.

You buried your face in your hands, "Jeeze that's embarrassing... We could still do it if that's okay with you? You're like, an inside source" you laughed, hoping you weren't making things awkward. 

Kyle laughed too, "Yeah I guess your right. Anything to make this project easier."  You smiled at him. "Well... since the project is gonna take no time, you wanna do something else for now? To be honest I really don't want to do this right now." You pleaded to him, showing him your puppy dog eyes. 

Kyle's face flushed as he suggested, "Yeah, yeah, we don't have to do it right now. Maybe we could watch a movie?" You eagerly nodded your head, making Kyle chuckle at your enthusiasm.

Kyle made his way over to the bed and took a seat beside you, trying his best to give you enough space by practically hanging off the side of it. He grabbed the TV remote and began scrolling through Netflix to find something funny and lighthearted 

As the movie started, Kyle slowly started to relax and become more comfortable in your company. He scooted up onto the bed, and before you knew it, your legs were pressed against each other as you sat together on the bed. Kyle's face once again turned red, and he tried to turn away from you, hoping that you wouldn't notice. 

During the movie, you found yourself completely focused on the story, but you couldn't help but burst out laughing at the funny parts. Every time you laughed, you would slap Kyle's leg, causing him to jump a little in surprise.

At first, Kyle seemed a little nervous about your sudden bursts of laughter and physical contact, but as the movie went on, he started to relax and even began to chuckle along with you.

As the movie came to an end you turned to Kyle "Thank you for doing this, that was way more entertaining than working on a project," you laughed. 

"Anytime," he replied. "It was fun. Maybe we can do this again sometime?" You nodded your head before grabbing all of your stuff. You made your way downstairs and waved goodbye to Kyle and his mom. 

When you had finally made it back to your apartment, you opened the door and called out to your brother. "Leo! I'm home!" you yelled out.

As you walked through the door you saw your brother on the couch with a very recognizable blond sat next to him. 

"Hey (Y/N)." 


Thank you for reading!! Don't forget to vote ;)

Sorry if this chapter is a little short D: 

I love u all, keep leaving comments they really do make my day <33

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