✎Chapter 7 - Invited

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"Kenny what the hell are you doing here?" You place your hand on your hip while intensely staring the boy down.

He smiles a little, "What? I just wanted to meet your brother and hang out!" He grabs the bong that was on the coffee table and takes a hit from it.

You turn to Leo with a confused face. He simply shrugs his shoulders and laughed. You groan, annoyed. "At least let me hit that."

You grab the bong from Kenny and take a seat on the couch next to him, lighting the bowl and inhaling the earthy smoke.

You sink into the comfy couch as Kenny slowly scooted closer to you. You kick him discretely, your brother would freak out if he found out you were secretly seeing Kenny.

Leo, unaware of the tension asks you, "So (Y/N) how was working on your project with Kyle?" Kenny felt his hands tense up at the thought of the two of you alone together.

You placed the bong back onto the table. "Yeah it went well. We didn't get much done with the project though." You laughed.

"What? What did you guys do then?" Kenny suddenly asks, his voice raised a little bit. You look at him with a confused face.

"Well we just watched a movie. The project is super easy so it won't take us long to finish it..." You tell him, still confused by his sudden outburst.

Kenny relaxes again, taking another hit from the bong. Leo stands up from the couch, "Well I'm gonna go lay down. You guys... behave." He gave you a stern look before retreating to his room.

As soon as Leo leaves, you turn to Kenny and silently shout at him, "Kenny seriously, what were you thinking coming here!" You roll your eyes, annoyed that he put you in an awkward position.

Kenny looks at you, "What's wrong? I just wanted to hang out with you." He takes another hit from the bong, trying to ease the tension.

You take a deep breath, trying not to snap at the boy. "Ken, I told you we could hang out another time. I really don't want Leo, or anyone, knowing about... us." You say quietly, averting your eyes from his.

Kenny begins, "I know. I just... wanted to see you I guess." He stands up from the couch, causing you to look up at his stoic face. "I'll see you later." You watch as he walks over to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" you ask, feeling a sense of panic rising in your chest.

Kenny turns around and gives you a small smile. "I think it's best if I go. I don't want to cause any more trouble."

You feel a pang of sadness at his words. "Okay, I'll see you later then." You watch as he leaves, feeling a sense of emptiness as the door closes behind him.

Why do I feel like this? You think to yourself, confused why Kenny's sudden exit was bothering you so much. It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything...

You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You take a look to see that Stan had texted you.

Stan: hey (Y/N) my friend tolkien is having a party this weekend. u wanna go?

(Y/N): yeah for sure!

Stan follows your message with the details of when and where the party would be. You smile happily, excited that you will be able to meet some new friends.

The next day arrives and you begin your morning routine to get ready for school. Once you're all dressed up, you make your way to the bus stop. Surprisingly, you arrived earlier than usual, and as you approach the stop, you notice that there's only one person waiting there - Kyle. You flash him a friendly smile and walk up next to him.

Our Secret - Kenny McCormick ( Kenny x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now