Im not a simp

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"Wait so what's the deal with you and Tom?"Simone asks prying for gossip.
Damn she is nosey.
"Nothing much"I start
"Except for the fact the other day,he was basically -like why do you always leave me- in geography cause I had Learning support and in RE he kept looking and me and when he made I contact he like giggled" I say day dreaming.

"Wait he laughed when he looked at you?Babe that ain't good" Ella laughs
"No not like laughing at me but you know like smiling giggling, oh my days"I say starting to get irritated.
Why is it the end turning my romanticising into questioning.
"Wait why do you have learning support your like three top sets for your subjects"Maria asks

"Oh cause of  dyslexia and adhd yay" I say sarcastically at the end
"Anyway you bitch how is Sam?" I ask Ella
"He came to Luxmoore -our house- and we talked but that's all that's happened that's interesting" she admits
"Damn that's boring" Simone teases
"Both of you are simps get a grip" she laughs

The others started arriving and though we had school tomorrow we stayed up quite late.House staff takes our phones but we all have second phones. I fell asleep eventually drowning out their voices cause I was really tired .

First morning bell rang and none of us moved.

"Wake up guys" we hear a prefect who is just as tired as us attempting to get junior house up.

I get ready and have my morning shower and change into uniform. A slim fitting skirt as most of the girls have. Shirt, blazer, white socks and a short tie.
Second  bell rings calling us for breakfast. Everyone is still putting on clothes when it rings causing even more havoc in the dorm.

"Where is my sock" Maria shouts

It's a Wednesday so it is English breakfast buffet with fruit and yogurt.
"No way we have languages first" says a groggy Ella.
"I actually can't be asked as well" yawns a Maria.
"Fuck this man I'm not even fully ready yet" I complains.
They put their trays away and head back to their house.
"Evie" Maria shouts
The fifth person in my dorm. Evie is a weekly so she usually comes in the morning from breaks.
Evie is nice but she takes awhile to warm up to people. She's hella funny though.

We get fully ready I put on my school make up. I spray perfume and put in stud earrings, a bracelet and a necklace.
Third bell rings signalling to leave the house for the school day.
A choir of annoyance and panic erupts from my dorm as no one is fully ready.
"What's second period"I ask

~~A short one just getting to know Evie who I totally didn't  forget to write about in the first chapter and then getting up in the morning is a whole struggle for Zahria and her friends (I should know I go boarding school) ~~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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