The boys tease Zayn

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Zayn imagine

Imagine....Zayn constantly told you how beautiful you were although you didn't believe it. He would point out how your eyes were so deep he could swear he was looking into your soul. He would say how soft your skin was and how flawless it was. He would say that your hair would catch the sunlight and it look different shades and tones. He would constantly stare at you lovingly which wasn't creepy but made you feel all fuzzy inside. One day the other boys came over. It was movie night and you sat on the floor eating popcorn. Louis and Harry were on a couch as Liam and Niall sat on the opposite one. Zayn was sitting on a chair and you offered to sit on the floor. You sat crossed legged and your head rested on Liam's shins as you sat across from Zayn. You were so into the movie that it startled you when Louis and Harry laughed.

"Zayn, we've been staring at you staring at Y/N for more than 10 minutes straight," said Harry between laughs.

"Really?" Niall bursted out laughing his signature Niall laugh. He clutched his stomach as he doubled in laughter on the couch.

"Yeah! Drooling and everything," Louis said which started another round of snickers and snorts.

Liam frowned and scolded them while Zayn turned slightly pink, " leave them alone. Let them be. We are in their flat as guests so you have to respect them just as they respect you lot," says Liam in true daddy direction style.

"Ooooooh....tssssss. Buuuurn!" you teased Louis,Harry, and Niall. They stuck their tongues out at you.

2 hours later when the boys leave , Zayn comes up to you. He rests against the door frame and looks at you, " next time I'm wearing sunglasses so they can't catch me admiring you. I love you so much Y/N. it was worth it getting teased by the lads. I love you so much. But they really are an immature lot" said Zayn making a face and remembering as he turned slightly pink.

You cross the room and give him a peck on the lips for being so adorable. You chuckle amused and he grins. He carries you off to the bedroom you share while attacking your face with loving pecks.

~baby potatoes for Niall

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