Imagine for SaraKendall ~ Positive with Zayn Malik

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You were sitting on the couch with Zayn Malik, You both cuddled close. You were Frightened of what he was going to think. You have got signs, Throwing up, You haven't got your period in days. You could no longer keep it a secret. You were only 17 and Zayn was 20. You knew that you were pregnant. you tested yourslef and it came back positive.

"You seem shaken. Babe you know you can tell me anything." Zayn says worried.

"I dont know how to tell you this." You break away from Zayns cuddle. His hurt face. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" He was about to cry

"No way! Zayn I love you so much." You kiss his cheeck.

"Then what?" he asks

"Im- I'm pregnant," You were about to cry, After you said it you didn't want to imagine what would happen next. Would this be the end? You were crying, You feel zayns strong muscular arms cuddle you.

"It's alright calm down. I'm not mad or sad, I think it will be cute to have Zayn Jnr's and Sara Jnr's." he smiles and you have a little giggle.

"So your fine?" You look up

"Yes." he kisses your forehead and you lay in his arms. Snuggles against his chest.


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