Falling Down

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*****Niall imagine

"You're stupid! Just leave!" You yelled enraged at your boyfriend. Niall had lied about being on tour and he had actually been here all along hanging out with his friends for about three weeks now. He had even skyped you "from far away". He said he missed you and na, na, na. He lied. Right in your face. You had the right to be angry.

" Im tired of you being a controlling clingy bitch Y/n!" Yelled a red faced Niall. You followed him downstairs with hurt and anger burning inside you as he paused on the upper steps to yell at you.

"Me?! A controlling bitch?!" You spat ," I've been nothing but understanding. I haven't seen you in SEVEN goddam months and I completely trusted you. Then I find out that the boyfriend I miss like crazy was really partying and having a blast while lying to my face"

" I'm tired of you! It was sweet at first but back off!" He justified. He ran down another five steps and you were only another five steps off the floor when you blocked him.

" this doesn't end here Niall James Horan! We are so NOT fighting over something this stupid that can be fixed," you scolded him.

" who do you think you are? My mother?," he sneered," get out of my way Y/n," he pushed you off to the side. It was your fault when on instinct you had taken a step back only to fall down those five steps. It wasn't high enough for you to have fatal damages but you heard a sickening crack right when you felt your ankle flare up in pain. You twisted as you fell and landed all your weight in your right hip. You moaned when you hit the ground. You clutched your hip and couldn't decided if your hip or ankle hurt more.

" Oh my god! Are you okay princess?!" Yelled a panicked Niall as he leaped off the remaining steps. He landed by you and guilty, panicked eyes checked you all over. He gently picked up your foot and prodded your ankle. He slightly squeezed it which resulted in a yelp of pain.

" no, my boyfriend just pushed me off about four feet from the ground and I landed on my hip and twisted my ankle," you said sarcastically.

You groan when you slightly moved your hip.

"Shit, I'm taking you to the ER," announced Niall. He extremely gently carried you bridal style.

"Y/n, princess, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I've been being a sorry lame excuse of a boyfriend, I'm sorry I've taken out everything on you since the tour started. I've been really stressed and I'm sorry. I'm sorry because you deserve better. And I'm especially sorry it took me to break your ankle and dislocate your hip for me to realize it princess." He said as he pecked kisses all around your face.

You giggled through the pain and gave Niall a sweet kiss on the lips. He walked and carried you to the car as if you weighed nothing. How could you not forgive the person you loved with all your heart? He had stress and you were the only person that would understand and take his angry rants in silence.

"I forgive you Niall because I love you. And I Iove you so much that I promise I won't beat you up once I get better," you said trying to lighten the mood.

Niall gave you a sad smile," I don't deserve you Y/n. I'm sorry you're in pain," he whispered in a pained whisper. He placed you in the passenger seat as carefully as he could and gave you a kiss on the forehead while murmuring princess. You place yourself in the fetal position while trying to not show the vast amount of pain you were in He held you hand the entire drive while you clenched your jaw. He gave you reassuring squeezes and promised he would be with you however many months it took you to get better. He promised he'd take care of you while you were like this. He promised he hadn't meant to push you off but merely to the side. He promised he couldn't live without you and he loved you and he was sorry for everything that he'd done to harm you. And you believed every single thing because sincerity rang in his voice and love shined in his eyes while guilty tears escaped the corner of his eyes. You knew your love wasn't dying, it was just under stress. But the love was there.

~baby potatoes for Niall

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