White Snow with Harry

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You and your friends were all 17 and was spending you white christmas throwing snow balls at eachother and giggling a lot. Your neighbour, Harry Styles, yes I mean the famous Harry, He was off work and there were no screaming girls near his house. Your friends loved one direction they thought they were good. Harry walks out to grab the mail then you were chucking a snowball at your friend Elise it went the other direction and hit Harry. 

You run over to Harry and apologise " Oh I am sorry." You say.

"GEMMA!" He shouts, He sounded pissed off.

You thought he sounded angry so you took a step back, He started making a snowball and the next thing you know it was coming for you. You scream but then it hits you. That afternoon you all have a snowball fight it was so fun.

Harry sees you and comes over to you, He leans over to your ear "This won't be the only thing that will make you wet." He smirks, You get a warm sensation through your body as his voice was so delicate and deep. The words sunk in and you gave him a wink. This definatley wasn't going to be the last time you and Harry saw eachother.


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