10 | Kidnapped (Ella)

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After the pottery store, he takes me to a coffee shop. He insists on buying me something so I can keep my energy up for the rest of the errands, so I sheepishly accept a caramel latte.

I used to have a single small latte once every month before money grew tight at home. The first, scorching taste of coffee and caramel brings tears to my eyes. I blink hard, pretending there was an eyelash in my eye, and thank him for the coffee.

"So where to next?" I ask.

He spends a little time pondering. "Well--"

His sentence is cut off when he's shoved aside by someone running by. Marco stumbles into the sidewalk, and just as I'm reaching down to help him up, my feet are lifted off the ground as two pairs of hands roughly grab me and pull me back.

"Marco!" I scream.

The latte spills as I'm dragged, kicking and screaming away. Marco shoots to his feet, but it's too late, he's too far. The last thing I see is him running toward me, screaming my name as a bag is placed over my head and I'm shoved into a car.

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