𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕩

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Tony and Sam screwed up.

Granted, the pair did screw up often, at least once a day really, but this time they screwed up so badly they feared they may not live long enough to see another day.

"Tonyyyy! Sammmm!" - A voice sang out, making the two shudder in fear. An outsider might mistake the tone to be one of childlike playfulness, but both men knew better than that.

You were walking down the hallway of the Compound, completely drained after another tough training session with Steve, when the door to the supply closet was opened, and you were roughly pulled into the cramped 7 by 5 space.

A single light bulb hanging on a wire illuminated the small room, but it was enough for you to make out the faces of the culprits who abducted you from the hall. You opened your mouth to chide your two teammates, but the sound of footsteps echoing off the walls outside the door had Tony quickly rushing to cover your mouth. You watched him and Sam hold their breath, eyes wide with fear, until the steps outside vanished.

Pulling Tony's hand away from you, your eyes flitted between the two in concern.

"Okay, what the hell is going on here?" - I asked demanding answers.

"There's a killer in the Compound." - Sam whispered, voice low in an attempt to keep quiet.

"What?! How did that happen?"- Your hand immediately went for the gun on your waist band, instinctively pulling it out of the holster. "Isn't this supposed to be a highly secure location? And why are we hiding inside a closet instead of dealing with the threat?"

"This is a threat even we can't handle." - Tony explained, eyes nervously glancing at the entrance of the room, like he was expecting the door to be ripped off the frame at any given moment.

Your hold on your weapon tightened.

"Have you already warned the rest of the team?" - The brunette shook his head, "Why wouldn't you warn everyone else?" - You exclaimed in disbelief, accidentally raising your voice.

Sam all but lunged at you, shushing you frantically.

"Keep your voice down bro" - He strained out. "She might hear us."

"Sorry, sorry." - You profusely apologized covering your mouth. "But you guys are still idiots for not informing the rest of the team." - Taking out your phone, you scrolled through your apps.

"I'm going to text Natasha and warn her." - The phone was promptly knocked out of your hands.

"No! ARE YOU CRAZY! Bring the killer right to us, why don't you?!" - Sam whispered screaming.

You looked down to see your broken and cracked phone on the floor.

"I'm about to kill you two myself." - You angrily retorted, resisting the urge to strangle the two men. Sighing, you propped open the door a sliver, checking the coast before closing the door again. "Alright here is the plan, you guys stay here, I'll go find everyone else." - You instructed, but before you could finish explaining the rest of your plan, the door to the closet swung open, revealing a very angry Natasha.

"Hello boys." - The ex-assassin purred, lips curling into a smile. The two grown men screamed, voices rising several octaves higher than their usual range. They instinctively latched onto one another, using each other as support.

"Guys stop screaming it's just..." - Then you saw the murderous glint in your girlfriend's eyes and the deadly looking baton in her hands, realization dawning onto you. "Oh my god, Natasha is the killer you're hiding from?" - Your surprised face vanished and you started laughing.

The Russian's eyes darkened even more, eyebrows twitching in annoyance.

"I'm a killer now am I? I see how it is. Well, I suppose if you're already calling me one, I have a reputation to uphold don't I?" - She took a step into the closet, Tony and Sam taking a step back in response. "First I caught the two of you flirting with my sister, and now I see you two with my boyfriend. Trying to flirt with y/n too?" - The survival instinct in you told you that she didn't really want an answer to that last question.

"I don't think y/n is really our type Natasha" - Tony said, forgetting for a moment in which situation he was in.

Tony and Sam looked close to tears, practically shaking in fear, and you weren't sure if you should be amused or concerned by the sight.

"Guys, Natasha is just messing with you. She wouldn't hurt you just for flirting with her sister." - You reassured them.

You sneaked a glance over at the redhead, taking in the fire raging in her eyes and the pure anger in her body language. She wouldn't, right?

"I wouldn't be so sure, I've seen her kill for less." - A new accented voice interjected, and you turned around to see a nonchalant Yelena leaning against the far wall of the closet, a bag of popcorn in her hands.

"We didn't know she was your sister! Please Lord save me..." Sam exclaimed, clearly losing it under the pressure of Natasha's heavy gaze.

Natasha tutted, shaking her head in mock disappointment.

"Trying to shift blame, Wilson? That's no use at this point. Why don't you and Stark just come out and die an honorable death?" - She suggested, walking further into the small closet.

As she got closer to you, Natasha's eyes softened and she took a second to gently guide you out of the room, kissing you on the cheek as she did, "You look tired my love, I hope Steve didn't go too rough on you. Let's go take a bath together after I finish with these two, okay?" She offered, her previous anger suddenly gone. The drastic change in her demeanor was unsettling, but you melted under the gentle touch of your girlfriend.

"Steve's workout isn't more intense than the one you always program for me." - I whisper in her ear and smirked at her, she bit her lip in response.

"I'm too young and handsome to die." - Tony suddenly blubbered into Sam's shoulder, shifting Natasha's attention back onto the two. Her body immediately stiffened again.

"Dear God, I'm sorry for not attending church last week, or the week before that, or the week before that." - Sam prayed, looking up into the sky in desperation.

Yelena chuckled softly by your side, clearly amused by the whole thing.

"I was actually the one who flirted with them first." - Yelena whispered conspiringly into your ear. You looked over at the blonde in complete and utter shock.

"What? They made fun of my vest the other day." - She defended, brushing off your horror filled gaze.

The door to the supply closet closed with a soft click, sealing the fate of the two Avengers inside.

No one ever escapes Natasha's wrath, or Yelena's it would seem.

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