The End

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"How's it going, Wheels?" Missy asked.

"Great. All we have to do is swap out the ignition chamber's motherboard with one that'll tell the device it launched even when it didn't. That way we fooled it..." Wheels explained before Grace jumped in "Tell us how long."

"Oh, not long." When he's finished he handed it to Noodles "Now put it into the ignition chamber up there. Oh no. Noodles!"

The board fell out of his hand and landed on the ground "I can't reach!" Noodles told them desperately.

"It's too high to jump. Nobody would ever survive that fall." A Capella told them.

"I... can." Slow-mo said jumping down.

"Slo-Mo! Rewind, stop him. Reverse it!" Missy ordered.

"Hold on. I think he knows what he's doing." Rewind told her.

Grace looked anxiously at the clock "We're running out of seconds."

Slow-mo landed perfectly and picked up the motherboard.

"Uh, guys, how are we gonna get him back up here?" Face maker asked.

"Wildcard? We need you. Right now!" Grace yelled to the controls room.

"On my way, Gracie. That's my future girlfriend" He told them, he winked at Ms Granada "Stay cool."

"Card! You actually teleported!" Grace said hugging him.

"Get down there, quick!" Missy told him. He let go of Grace and teleported next to Slow-mo.

"Yes!" The kids cheered as Wildcard flew them back up.

"Yeah! Now swap the motherboards up there!" Wheels told them. Wildcard did but a siren began to sound.

"What's happening?" Missy asked.

"The takeover is happening." Ojo said smiling.

The pyramids opened and the kids were expecting an army of aliens to emerge.

But it wasn't.

"Wait. So our parents were in the pyramid all along? But I don't understand. What's the takeover?" Missy asked Ojo.

"The takeover of power... from your parents. You see, the next generation is always an improvement from the last. Things are not heading in the right direction on your planet. And you children are inheriting Earth's problems, and need to be able to fix them, sooner rather than later. It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives. So, we infiltrated both your government and Heroics headquarters so we could train you and accelerate the transfer of power. As you've seen from today's events, it's not enough to be strong, powerful, or even magic. If you do not use your strengths together and with good judgment... you are doomed."

"But I don't understand. The clock hit zero. We were one second too late." Wheels reminded them.

"The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen." Ms Granada told them.

Ojo smiled at him "Your guess was close, Wheels, but not quite right. Everything on the ship wasn't designed for children."

"Oh, it was designed by children". Wheels realised.

"That's correct. On our planet, the children are in charge." Ojo told them.

"So, you're their leader?" Missy asked.

"Yes. Just as I knew you two would be a natural leaders." she said gesturing to Grace and Missy "It's why I drew you two at the front of the class. So, from one leader to another, as we each head off to face the challenges of the universe, can we count on you to not just help save your planet... but the entire galaxy?"

"You have our word." Grace told her. Missy smiled in agreement "When you need us... we'll be there."

"Thank you." Ojo said smiling.

All the parents ran to embrace there children. Guppy ran straight to her parents who hugged her desperately "We love you." Shark Boy showed his teeth and Guppy showed him hers "Oh!"

"How do you feel, son?" Miracle Guy asked Wheels. Wheels smiled excitedly "Strong... you know, like, really strong." Miracle Guy hugged his son "You're stronger than I'll ever be."

"I'm proud of you." Invisi girl said hugging Noodles.

"Put it there, buddy." Crushing Low said to his son Face maker.

Blinding fast stood there and waited for his kid to finish running. Rewind and Fst-forward sped him up "What the...You're so fast."

"I love you." Slow-Mo said

"I love you, too, buddy. I love you too". He said still holding him son.

"You're so wonderful together. I am so proud of you." Red Lightning Fury said embracing the twins. Crimson Legend agreed "You two make such a great team. You two make such a great team."

"Oh yeah! Come on." Rewind cheered.

"Mom! Dad!" Grace exclaimed running into there open arms. None of them said anything they had all they needed in the moment.

Wildcard looked over at her and Tech-No smiled "Go get your girl son" he smiled and walked over to Grace.

"Hey Gracie" he said she left her parents and walked over to him. "Yes" she asked him smiling. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out some time, you know, as girlfriend and boyfriend"

Grace looked at him and nodded. She gave him a kiss on the cheek "Sure. Pick me up at 2 next weekend" then she walked back to her parents.

"Hey, Dad! Hey, Grandma!" Missy said walking to her Father and Abuelita.

"Hey." Marcus said hugging her. Anita joined in "Hey!"

Marcus Moreno looked around "Someone's made a few friends."

"I tell you, Marcus, natural-born leader." Anita said sternly. He laughed and joked "I should get captured more often."

"Nope. Not without me, you're not. If you ever go on any other missions, I'm gonna be there right by your side. Deal?" Missy asked.

"A deal is...a deal." Marcus said hugging her "I missed you."

This was the day our heroes fell, but others did rise. As for the aliens, they'll be back, and when they call on us for help, we will be prepared. We will be ready.

"So what are we supposed to be looking at?" Wildcard asked his Girlfriend

"The future." she told him.

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