New Girl

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Noodles stretched his neck after the door was closed he didn't see anyone so he told them "She's gone!"

The room erupted into cheers and everyone threw away there papers. "Yeah!"

Wheels zoomed over to Missy "Hey, I'm Wheels. Yes, they call me that on account of the wheelchair. It's a little on the nose, but I like it because it's cool."

"Okay." She said nervously.

"You may think I'm in the chair 'cause my legs are weak, but it's the opposite. My muscles are so strong my bones can't support 'em. But lucky for me, my brain's the same way. It's supercharged, so I'm good." Wheels told her.

"So, Wheels, who's your new friend?" Noodle asked suggestively making Wheels roll his eyes.

"Missy, this is Noodles." He introduced "We call him that because, well..."

"He stretches and twists around like a noodle?" Missy asked after watching him.

"Yeah, basically" he told them he moved to the other side of the room "And that's Ojo. Her power is she's a genius drawer. Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali."

"Can I see that?" Missy asked. Ojo handed it to her and Missy flicked through the images "A kid standing on top of floating chairs? An exploding exercise ball?"

"Nothing she draws makes sense." Wheels explained.

Missy stopped at one picture "That me? Why'd you draw me in front of the class? Who's that next to me?"

"Oh, she won't answer." Wheels told her as Missy handed back the iPad "She only speaks through her drawings."

"Don't speak I know just what you're saying" A Capella sung.

"No, you don't. You have no clue." Wildcard told her annoyed.
Grace looked at Wildcard "Shut it card"

"It's Wildcard!" He yelled back but Grace just ignored him.

"And this is A Capella." Wheels introduced.

"It's me." A Capella sung agin. Missy looked at her unsurely "That's your superpower? You can sing?"

"Yep, but I have an unusual range. I can go low...or I can go high! I can even go really..." A Capella moth was moving but no sound was coming out.

"I don't hear anything." Missy told her confused. A Capella shrugged "It's beyond human hearing."

Suddenly the speaker sprung to life and Ms Granada said "Miss A Capella Vox, please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the neighbourhood has surrounded our building."

All the kids started laughing.
"And she can sing so low that she moves objects." Wheels told Missy "Show her how you make things float!"

A Capella sung so low that the chairs started to float. Thinking it was funny Face maker ran and jumped onto the floating chair.

"All righty, let's see who's left." Wheels said looking around the room "That's Blinding Fast's kid, Slo-Mo. He's actually moving very fast, but somehow, his powers have him stuck in a time warp."

"Hi." Slow-mo said super slowly.

"That kid over there..." Wheels told him.

"Two packs of candy for crossing our eyes." Face maker said to Noodle placing the candy down

" Face maker." Wheels finished.

Noodles accepted and attempted to cross his eyes. He smirked "Okay. Beat that."

Wheels smiled as he watched them "He makes the craziest faces."

"It's impossible!" Noodle said as Face maker made his eyes actually cross over.

"I can even change my face to look like you." Face maker told him. He covered his face and a second later Noodles saw his own face staring at him.

"He's cheating! I can't compete with that!" Noodle said getting very angry. His fist grew larger and he smashed the table.

"Oh, dude!" Wheels complained he looked to the boy in the corner "Rewind, clean up on aisle two."

Rewind reversed time and when Noodle got angry Grace replaced the table with a rubber ball. It burst and Face maker got sent flying into a wall but luckily he grabbed a rope and prevented impact.

"You alright Face maker?" Grace asked. Face maker nodded "Yeah"

"That's Rewind. He can rewind time but just a few seconds. They're twins. It's crazy, right?" Wheels said.

"What twins?" Missy asked "What are you talking about?"

"Fast Forward, are you at it again?" Wheels asked annoyed. The girl shrugged "You were taking so long, I skipped you forward a bit. Sorry, not sorry."

"She and Rewind are twins. Opposite powers. The only thing they agree on is they don't like each other." Wheels told her.

"At all." The twins said in unison.

"They're twins. It's crazy, right?" Wheels told her. Missy nodded her head in agreement.

Wheels then moved to Wildcard "And then, there's our fearless leader, Wild Card. There's not a power in the world he doesn't have."

"True." Wildcard said proudly.

"Sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly." Grace said teasingly.

"Also true...until now that is. Teleport!" He commanded instead he set fire to a book making Grace and everyone else laugh.

"Guppy. Book on Fire. Could you?" Grace asked. Guppy nodded and made a water fire engine. It flew over and put out the book while also splashing Wildcard.

"How are you making that?" Missy asked.

"My mommy is Lava girl, but my daddy is Shark boy. So instead of lava, I move water." Guppy explained before picking up her water bottle "I need hydration for my powers to work."

"That's really cool." Missy commented.

"Thanks." Guppy said.

Wheels then turned to Grace "And Finally this is our second in command Grace. She has Regeneration as well as Photographic Reflex"

"What's that?" Missy asked her. "Well" Grace began "It means I can heal anyone with a touch the more severe the injury the longer it takes. And my Photographic Reflex means I can copy any movement perfectly after only seeing it once."

"So, new girl, what's your superpower?" Wildcard asked Missy.

"Yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing..." Missy began.

"Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid." Grace said.

Missy nodded "Yeah, my dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while, so I've been chilling with the normal kids."

"Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with normal kids?" Wildcard asked her confused. Then he realised and smirked "Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers."

"You're powerless?" Wheels asked.

Grace turned to Wildcard again "Shut up Wildcard so what. I'm sure no powers is better than uncontrolled ones"

"Whatever." Wildcard said then he smirked to get under her skin as he added "Gracie"

Grace glared at him but Missy interrupted the silent battle when she asked "Can we put on the TV? I want to see if there's news about our parents"

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