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At a time in the world where things were feeling less and less certain, there was one thing you could always count on... the Heroics. Our planet's team of superheroes. And our heroes... never failed.

Tech-No flew up to meet Miracle Guy "Sorry I'm late. I had to put the ISR synthetic aperture together."

"Let's just hope it's more than just a downed satellite... so the whole team can spring into action." Miracle Guy told him.

"Let's not. Be careful with that thing." Tech-No called out.

"When am I not careful?"

"All the time."

Miracle Guy flew up to the outside of Earth and he found the Satellite. It had been smashed into pieces "Hey, Tech-No."

"What's up?" Tech-No asked through his communication band.

"The solar array, it's blown to bits." Miracle Guy explained to him. Tech-No was surprised "Seriously?"

"There's something coming, a spaceship of some kind." He watched it and it shot a purple ray at him which he easily avoided "It just blasted some kind of energy ray at me. Do these clowns not know who I am?"

"I don't mean to be a nudge, but any idea how long this'll take? I'm running on fumes." Tech-No told him wearily.

Miracle Guy pulled out his selfie stick "Just a quick selfie for my socials while I stop this thing..." then he noticed something in the camera that made him turn around "Wait a minute. There's not one ship... There's a whole armada out there."

"Funny, if I didn't know better, I'd say you sound a little worried." Tech-No joked he didn't get a response but he saw something falling from the sky at a ridiculously fast pace. "Miracle Guy? H-Base! Come in, this is Tech-No! Miracle Guy's been hit!"

The person on the other end of the line sounded confused "Hit with what?"

"He's barely conscious!" Tech-No told them catching Miracle Guy but the impact was so strong it was forcing them both back down.

"Miracle Guy is barely conscious?" They asked worried.

"Have a catcher ready!" He ordered them before glancing at his jet packs fuel saying "I'm out!"

This was the day our heroes fell. All of them. But from that... others would rise.


"We're tracking over a hundred alien vessels. Who do you wanna send?" One of the commanders asked.

Ms Granada scanned through the hero's "How about...Blinding Fast and Crushing Low?"

"They haven't gotten along since the Crisis of Edinburgh." Someone told her.

Ms Granada shook her head and decided "Okay. How about...Shark boy and Lava girl? They still married?"

"This isn't a two-hero job." One of her workers explained to her.

She sighed in annoyance "Look...Okay, so we'll send three. Happy?"

"I'm afraid those are just the scouts, the tip of the spear. This is what we're really up against." Someone pressed a button on the screen and it changed from a few scouts to an entire armada.

"We've never dealt with anything like this before. That's impossible." Ms Granada said shocked.

"Which hero should we send, ma'am?"

"All of them." She told them breathlessly "Call the president. He's the only one that can authorize a full Heroic attack."

"It's before noon. He'll still be asleep." Someone told her

She turned to the and snapped "Wake him up!" She looked over in the direction of Marcus Moreno "Excuse me, Marcus. What are you still doing here? When I said everyone, I meant everyone.""

"I can't suit up. I promised my daughter." Marcus told her.

"Okay, well, I'm sorry. They'll need all the help they can get, and you know it. It's time for you to re-join the team. Time to be a Heroic again. That is an order." Ms Granada said.

Marcus stood up and held his hand out, the swords in the walls moved and flew into his hands "Yes, ma'am."

"Good." Ms Granada said smiling.


Grace woke up and did the everyday routine of getting up and going downstairs.

"Hey Mom, Hey Dad" Grace said as her parents sat down at the table to eat breakfast.

"Hey sweetie" her Mom said with a smile "If you want some pancakes you're gonna have to try and make them yourself, your father and I have to finish the gardening"

"Okay Mom" Grace said. She had never made pancakes by herself before but she'd seen her mother it before. This was one of the only times that her Photographic Reflex power was useful. And in training.

While about to make breakfast Grace put the News on the radio. It explained that Miracle Guy was hit out of the sky by a Alien Spaceship and he is in critical condition.

Grace was surprised, she'd never seen anything hit Miracle Guy out of the sky. She ran outside "Mom! Dad! Have you heard the news?"

Her father nodded "We just got a call from HQ all Superhero's are needed."

Grace's mother quickly told her to pack her bag as they would all be escorted to HQ by a Heroics Limo.

Moments later the car had arrived and they were escorted by fully armed guards. When they arrived her parents said goodbye as they were taken to get ready.

Grace was taken by some guards to the Underground bunker the Heroic kids were sent to when there parents were on mission.

When she arrived she found that everyone was inside already. She decided to sit next to her best friend Guppy.

"Hey Gups" I said with a smile.
She smiled back with her little toothy grin "I'm fine. Oh oh. Look what I can do!"
Guppy took a sip of her water and used the water to make a love heart . Inside the love heart was some letters.
W + G

Grace felt a pair of eyes on her. It was Wildcard, she scoffed and turned to Guppy waving it away saying "Cool. Good Job Guppy"

Suddenly the door opened and there stood Ms Granada with a new girl "Everyone... this is Missy. She will be joining you today. Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there and quietly continue your studies along with the other children."

Missy walked and sat down at the front in the corner. Ms Granada smiled at us all "Children...thank you for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behaviour. Well done."

We Can Be Heroes Wildcard X OcWhere stories live. Discover now