"Yeah, yeah we did. Thanks for the advice." Fallon tells him.

"Hey, no problem. Have fun in Chicago, let all the murderers run free." He teases and Fallon rolls her eyes.

"No promises." She says before hanging up. After a few beats of silence, Elena speaks up again.

"So... you and Damon." She says and Fallon laughs, knowing this was coming.

"What about me and Damon?" Fallon asks her, wanting her to say it out loud.

"You two have gotten..." She trails off, trying to find the right word for it. "Close." She finishes.

"I wouldn't say close close, but we definitely are closer, yes. Why?" Fallon asks with a knowing look.

Elena shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing, it's just an observation. Even though I'm unsure on how you could see any redeeming qualities in him, it's an observation." She says with another shrug.

Fallon sighs and leans her head on the headrest. "I'm not gonna get into this with you right now, we just made up." Fallon says and Elena nods in understanding. "What about you and Stefan? How's that going?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

Elena's demeanour changed in an instant and her eyes turned sad. "Stefan and I broke up." She said thickly and Fallon widens her eyes in shock.

"Oh." She said at first. Honestly, her first thoughts were what Damon's reaction to this news was. Would he be jumping with joy, now that Elena was available? Or would he not care and go on with his life? "Elena, I'm so sorry." Fallon then said, pushing her selfish thoughts aside.

"Don't be," Elena sighs. "It needed to happen. Katherine hurting Jenna was just the beginning of her threats. And it was all because Stefan and I didn't listen to her." She says and Fallon tenses. She didn't know about this, but she wasn't going to make Elena elaborate on it now.

"Well, you've done it now. That's all you can do for the time being." Fallon says to try and comfort Elena.

Soon enough, they were at the airport and saying their goodbyes for the time being. Fallon boarded her flight and was on her way to Chicago.

About and hour and a half later, her plane landed in Chicago and she was headed to her apartment that she had from when she lived here before her life got complicated.

She texted Elena to let her know that she had arrived safely, and she sent Jenna a selfie of her sticking her tongue out to make her feel better as she had been detained on the sofa since she got home from hospital.

Fallon then realised that she had some preparation to do for the case tomorrow, so she grabbed her work bag and started compiling her notes and evidence. Luckily, she had already done most of the work already so there wasn't much left to do apart from work on her opening and closing statements.

As she lay in her bed she thought about Stefan and Elena's breakup. Was that really the reason Jenna was stabbed? Is that who Elena was on the phone to when Fallon walked in the other day? Even so, she knew Damon riling her up probably had a minor factor in it but she wouldn't put it past Katherine to be petty.

And why did she feel so... scared? Fallon was supposed to be this all powerful witch, but she had no idea how on earth to use it. She keeps thinking back to when she met Sheila on the Other Side, and even Vanessa at Duke, about how if she kept dying, the dark magic that brings her back only brings her closer to the Scarlet Witch.

She has so much power, so why can't she protect the people she cares about?

She knew that she couldn't save everyone, but that doesn't mean she won't damn well try.

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